- biotics
- [baıʹɒtıks] n элк.
биотика, использование биоорганических молекул для электроники
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
biotics — The science concerned with the functions of life, or vital activity and force. [G. biotikos, relating to life] * * * bi·ot·ics (bi otґiks) [Gr. biōtikos living] the functions and qualities peculiar to living organisms, or the sum of… … Medical dictionary
BIOTICS — … Useful english dictionary
Characters of the Mass Effect universe — This article describes notable characters who appear in the Mass Effect fictional universe. These characters are explored in the novels Mass Effect: Revelation, Mass Effect: Ascension, Mass Effect: Retribution, and Mass Effect: Deception; the… … Wikipedia
Mass Effect (video game) — Mass Effect Developer(s) BioWare (Xbox 360) Demiurge Studios (Microsoft Windows[1] … Wikipedia
Characters of Mass Effect — This article describes the characters of Mass Effect , an Xbox 360 and PC action role playing game developed by BioWare. The game was released on November 20, 2007.Commander ShepardCommander Shepard is the main player character in Mass Effect .… … Wikipedia
Joel de Rosnay — Joël de Rosnay, Francis Pisani und Thomas Blard. Joël de Rosnay (* 12. Juni 1937) ist ein französischer Biologe, Informatiker, Verfasser populärwissenschaftlicher Werke und Unternehmer. Er ist Gründer und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Joël de Rosnay — (* 12. Juni 1937) ist ein französischer Biologe, Informatiker, Verfasser populärwissenschaftlicher Werke und Unternehmer. Er ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Biotics SARL (1992), Mitbegründer und Direktor … Deutsch Wikipedia
Joël de Rosnay — Pour les articles homonymes, voir de Rosnay. Joël de Rosnay. Joël de Rosnay (né le 12 juin 1937 à … Wikipédia en Français
Races of the Mass Effect universe — This article is about the fictional races found within the Mass Effect universe. These races are explored in the novels Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Ascension, and the video games Mass Effect, Mass Effect Galaxy, and Mass Effect 2.… … Wikipedia
Mass Effect: Revelation — … Wikipedia
Biotic — means relating to, produced by, or caused by living organisms. The term biotic may also refer to: *Life, the condition of living organisms, *Biology, the study of life *Biotic factor in ecology, *Biotic material, which is derived from living… … Wikipedia