- tumblerful
- [ʹtʌmbləfʋl] = tumbler 2, 2)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tumblerful — Tum bler*ful, n.; pl. {Tumblerfuls}. As much as a tumbler will hold; enough to fill a tumbler. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tumblerful — noun As much as a tumbler will hold. The old man handed me a tumblerful of whisky … Wiktionary
tumblerful — noun see tumbler … New Collegiate Dictionary
tumblerful — another name for the breakfast cup, a unit of volume used in British food recipes … Dictionary of units of measurement
tumblerful — tumˈblerful noun (pl tumˈblerfuls) As much as will fill a tumbler • • • Main Entry: ↑tumble … Useful english dictionary
Tumblerfuls — Tumblerful Tum bler*ful, n.; pl. {Tumblerfuls}. As much as a tumbler will hold; enough to fill a tumbler. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tumbler — noun Date: 14th century 1. one that tumbles: as a. one who performs tumbling feats ; acrobat b. any of various domestic pigeons that tumble or somersault backward in flight or on the ground 2. a drinking glass without foot or stem and originally… … New Collegiate Dictionary
tumbler — tum|bler [ˈtʌmblə US ər] n [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: tumble;] [Sense: 1 2; Origin: because it was originally made with a round or pointed bottom] 1.) a glass with a flat bottom and no handle 2.) also tumblerful [ ful] BrE the amount of liquid… … Dictionary of contemporary English
tumbler — noun (C) 1 a glass with a flat bottom and no handle 2 also tumblerful / fUl/ the amount of liquid that this type of glass can contain: Jack must have had about six tumblers of whisky last night. 3 old fashioned someone who performs special… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
breakfast cup — a unit of liquid volume, used in food recipes in Britain. The breakfastcup is similar to the cup used by Americancooks, except that it is based on British Imperial units. Thus it equals1/2 Imperial pint. This is equivalent to 10 Imperial fluid … Dictionary of units of measurement
tumbler — n. 1 a drinking glass with no handle or foot (formerly with a rounded bottom so as not to stand upright). 2 an acrobat, esp. one performing somersaults. 3 (in full tumbler drier) = tumble drier. 4 a a pivoted piece in a lock that holds the bolt… … Useful english dictionary