- tuffet
- [ʹtʌfıt] n
1. пучок травы2. холмик; курган; сопка3. низкая табуретка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Tuffet — Tuffet, pouffe or hassock are all terms for a piece of furniture used as a footstool or low seat. It is distinguished from a stool by being completely covered in fabric so that no legs are visible. It s essentially a large hard cushion that may… … Wikipedia
tuffet — (n.) 1550s, little tuft, from O.Fr. touffel (with exchange of dim. suffix et for Fr. el), dim. of touffe (see TUFT (Cf. tuft)). Obsolete except in the nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet (1843), where it has been felt to mean hassock, footstool.… … Etymology dictionary
tuffet — ► NOUN 1) a tuft or clump. 2) a footstool or low seat. ORIGIN alteration of TUFT(Cf. ↑tufty) … English terms dictionary
tuffet — [tuf′it] n. [altered < TUFT] 1. a tuft of grass 2. a low stool … English World dictionary
Tuffet — Timothé Tuffet (* 21. August 1989 in Versoix) ist ein Schweizer Eishockeyspieler, der seit der Saison 2006/07 für den EHC Biel als Stürmer spielt. Weblinks Timothé Tuffet bei eurohockey.net Personendaten NAME Tuffet, Timothe … Deutsch Wikipedia
tuffet — noun a) A clump of grass or similar vegetation. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. b) A large cushion which may have an internal frame, used as a low seat or … Wiktionary
tuffet — noun Etymology: Anglo French tuffete, from *tufe tuft Date: 1553 1. tuft 1a 2. a low seat … New Collegiate Dictionary
tuffet — /tuf it/, n. 1. a low stool; footstool. 2. Dial. tuft. [1550 55] * * * … Universalium
tuffet — tuf|fet [ tʌfət ] noun count LITERARY 1. ) a tuft of grass 2. ) a low STOOL … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tuffet — noun 1》 a tuft or clump. 2》 a footstool or low seat. Origin C16: alt. of tuft … English new terms dictionary
tuffet — tuf·fet … English syllables