
[ʹtʌbı] a
1. 1) бочкообразный
2) пузатый

tubby little frogs - пузатые лягушата

2. 1) коротконогий и толстый (о человеке); коренастый
2) пухлый, упитанный (о ребёнке)
3. издающий глухой звук (о музыкальных инструментах)

a tubby violin - скрипка с глухим звуком

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "tubby" в других словарях:

  • Tubby — can refer to: * King Tubby, a dub musician * Tubby Hall, a jazz drummer * A. A. Englander, a cinematographer * a character in the Little Lulu comic strip * one of the Bash Street Pups, a comic strip * William Tubby, the Brooklyn architect * Tubby …   Wikipedia

  • Tubby — Tub by, a. Resembling a tub; specifically sounding dull and without resonance, like a tub; wanting elasticity or freedom of sound; as, a tubby violin. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tubby — (adj.) shaped like a tub, corpulent, 1835, from TUB (Cf. tub) + Y (Cf. y) (2). The noun meaning a fat person is attested from 1891 …   Etymology dictionary

  • tubby — [adj] fat beefy*, big, brawny, broad, bulging, bulky, burly, chubby*, chunky*, dumpy, elephantine, fleshy, gargantuan, gross, heavy, heavyset*, hefty, husky, large, obese, oversize, overweight, plump, portly, potbellied, pudgy*, roly poly*, stout …   New thesaurus

  • tubby — ► ADJECTIVE (tubbier, tubbiest) informal ▪ (of a person) short and rather fat. DERIVATIVES tubbiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • tubby — [tub′ē] adj. tubbier, tubbiest 1. shaped like a tub 2. fat and short tubbiness n …   English World dictionary

  • Tubby — King Tubby (* in , ; † ), mit bürgerlichem Namen Osbourne Ruddock, war ein Toningenieur mit eigenem Studio. Er beeinflusste maßgeblich die Entwicklung des . Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Diskografie 2.1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tubby's — Infobox Company name = Tubby s type = private foundation = 1968 founder = Richard Paganes location city = Clinton Charter Township, Michigan location country = USA locations = area served = Michigan (primarily metropolitan Detroit) key people =… …   Wikipedia

  • tubby — UK [ˈtʌbɪ] / US adjective Word forms tubby : adjective tubby comparative tubbier superlative tubbiest informal slightly fat …   English dictionary

  • tubby — adjective (tubbier; est) Date: circa 1807 1. sounding dull and without proper resonance or freedom of sound < a tubby violin > 2. pudgy, fat …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tubby — tubbiness, n. /tub ee/, adj., tubbier, tubbiest. 1. short and fat: a tubby child. 2. having a dull, thumping sound; lacking resonance. [1800 10; TUB + Y1] * * * …   Universalium

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