- truckman
- [ʹtrʌk|mən] n (pl -men [-{ʹtrʌk}mən]) = trucker1
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Truckman — Truck man, n.; pl. {Truckmen}. 1. [From {Truck} barter.] One who does business in the way of barter or exchange. [1913 Webster] 2. [From {Truck} a carriage.] One who drives a truck, or whose business is the conveyance of goods on trucks. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
truckman — [truk′mən] n. pl. truckmen [truk′mən] one who drives a truck or is engaged in trucking; trucker … English World dictionary
truckman — noun Date: 1787 1. trucker II 2. a member of a fire department unit that operates a hook and ladder truck … New Collegiate Dictionary
truckman — /truk meuhn/, n., pl. truckmen. 1. a truckdriver. 2. a person who is in the business of trucking goods, produce, etc. [1780 90, Amer.; TRUCK1 + MAN] * * * … Universalium
truckman — Synonyms and related words: Jehu, Sunday driver, backseat driver, bullwhacker, bus driver, busman, cabby, cabdriver, cabman, cameleer, carter, cartman, charioteer, chauffeur, coachman, coachy, cocher, cochero, drayman, driver, elephant driver,… … Moby Thesaurus
truckman — n. truck driver; person whose profession is transport by trucking … English contemporary dictionary
truckman — n. Carman, truck driver … New dictionary of synonyms
truckman — truck·man … English syllables
truckman — See trucker … Ballentine's law dictionary
truckman — ˈtrəkmən noun (plural truckmen) 1. : one who conveys goods by truck : a truck driver : trucker 2. : a member of a ladder company * * * /truk meuhn/, n., pl. truckmen. 1. a truckdriver. 2. a person who is in the bus … Useful english dictionary
Truckmen — Truckman Truck man, n.; pl. {Truckmen}. 1. [From {Truck} barter.] One who does business in the way of barter or exchange. [1913 Webster] 2. [From {Truck} a carriage.] One who drives a truck, or whose business is the conveyance of goods on trucks … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English