- truckle bed
- [ʹtrʌk(ə)lbed]
1. небольшая раскладушка2. ист. низенькая кровать (слуги, подмастерья) на колёсиках (днём задвигающаяся под кровать хозяина)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Truckle-bed — Truc kle bed , n. A low bed on wheels, that may be pushed under another bed; a trundle bed. His standing bed and truckle bed. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
truckle bed — n. TRUNDLE BED … English World dictionary
truckle bed — UK [ˈtrʌk(ə)l ˌbed] / US noun [countable] Word forms truckle bed : singular truckle bed plural truckle beds British a low bed with wheels that is kept under another bed and brought out when you need it … English dictionary
truckle bed — noun a low bed to be slid under a higher bed • Syn: ↑trundle bed, ↑trundle, ↑truckle • Hypernyms: ↑bed … Useful english dictionary
truckle bed — noun Etymology: truckle small wheel, pulley, from Middle English trokell, from Latin trochlea block of pulleys more at trochlea Date: 15th century trundle bed … New Collegiate Dictionary
truckle bed — /ˈtrʌkəl bɛd/ (say trukuhl bed) noun a low bed moving on castors, usually pushed under another bed when not in use. Also, trundle bed …
truckle bed — a low bed moving on casters, usually pushed under another bed when not in use. Also called trundle bed. [1425 75; late ME] * * * … Universalium
truckle bed — truck|le bed [ trʌkl ,bed ] noun count BRITISH a TRUNDLE BED … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
truckle bed — noun chiefly Brit. a low bed on wheels that can be stored under a larger bed. Origin ME: from truckle1 in the sense wheel + bed … English new terms dictionary
truckle bed — noun (C) BrE a low bed on small wheels, that you can slide under a larger bed; trundle bed AmE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
truckle bed — truck′le bed n. fur trundle bed • Etymology: 1425–75 … From formal English to slang