- troublous
- [ʹtrʌbləs] a книжн.
1. беспокойный, тревожный; взволнованный
troublous times - смутные времена, смутная пора
2. волнующий, тревожащийtroublous life - бурная жизнь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
troublous times - смутные времена, смутная пора
troublous life - бурная жизнь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Troublous — Trou blous, a. Full of trouble; causing trouble. In doubtful time of troublous need. Byron. [1913 Webster] A tall ship tossed in troublous seas. Spenser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
troublous — index bad (offensive), harmful Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
troublous — ► ADJECTIVE archaic or literary ▪ full of troubles … English terms dictionary
troublous — [trub′ləs] adj. [ME troubelous < OFr troubleus] Chiefly Literary 1. troubled, unsettled, etc. 2. TROUBLESOME … English World dictionary
troublous — troublously, adv. troublousness, n. /trub leuhs/, adj. 1. characterized by trouble; unsettled: troublous times. 2. turbulent; stormy: a troublous sea. 3. causing annoyance; troublesome. 4. causing disturbance; restless: a troublous preacher.… … Universalium
troublous — adjective Date: 15th century 1. full of trouble ; stormy < these troublous times > 2. causing trouble ; troublesome < inflation is a troublous matter > • troublously adverb • troublousness … New Collegiate Dictionary
troublous — adjective /ˈtɹʌbləs/ a) Troubled, confused. the mystery, the pervasive melancholy, the vaguely troublous forecast and retrospect which possess the mind in contemplating this sequestered spot, unhallowed save by the sense of a common humanity… … Wiktionary
troublous — adj. archaic or literary full of troubles; agitated, disturbed (troublous times). Etymology: ME f. OF troubleus (as TROUBLE) … Useful english dictionary
troublous — Synonyms and related words: adverse, agitated, anarchic, angry, antagonistic, blustering, blusterous, blustery, chaotic, conflicting, contrary, counter, counteractive, detrimental, difficult, discomposed, disquieted, disturbed, excited, feverish … Moby Thesaurus
troublous — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Troubling to the mind or emotions: disquieting, disruptive, distressful, distressing, disturbing, intrusive, perturbing, troublesome, unsettling, upsetting, worrisome. See HAPPY, PAIN … English dictionary for students
troublous — trou·blous || trÊŒblÉ™s adj. (Archaic) not relaxed, not settled; restless; annoying … English contemporary dictionary