- trots
- [trɒts] n (pl без измен.) разг. сокр. от Trotskyist
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Trots — «trots», noun, plural Trots. Informal. a Trotskyite … Useful english dictionary
trots — • trots, oaktat, oavsett … Svensk synonymlexikon
trots — noun a) Diarrhoea/diarrhea. Ive had the trots all morning and havent been able to go out. b) A trotting race meet; harness racing. He went to the trots in Yonkers … Wiktionary
trots — I Australian Slang 1. diarrhoea; 2. harness racing of horses II Kiwi (New Zealand Slang) horse racing with a buggy diaorrhoea as in having a dose of the trots … English dialects glossary
trots — horse racing with a buggy diaorrhoea as in having a dose of the trots … Kiwi (New Zealand slang)
trots — n. (Slang) diarrhea ( the trots ) trÉ‘t /trÉ’t n. gait between a walk and a run, jog; gait of a horse between a walk and a canter; (Archaic) old woman v. move briskly; move with a gait between a walk and run (usually of a horse); cause to trot … English contemporary dictionary
trots — n. a case of diarrhea. □ I got thetrots and can’t go out tonight. □ There’s a lot of the trots going around … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Trots op Nederland — Rita Verdonk (links) im Februar 2010 in Amsterdam Trots op Nederland (Stolz auf die Niederlande, TON oder ToNL) ist eine rechtspopulistische Partei in den Niederlanden. Sie wurde am 17. Oktober 2007 von Rita Verdonk (ehemals VVD) gegründet.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
trots att — • fastän, ehuru, oaktat, visserligen, trots att • fastän, ehuru, oaktat, visserligen, trots att, även, om … Svensk synonymlexikon
trots — Synonyms and related words: BM, bloody flux, bowel movement, cardialgia, catharsis, cholera morbus, colic, constipation, costiveness, crap, defecation, dejection, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, evacuation, flux, gripe, gripes, heartburn,… … Moby Thesaurus
Trots — 1. diarrhoea; 2. harness racing of horses … Dictionary of Australian slang