
1. [ʹtrɒlı] n
1. 1) тележка (разносчика)
2) столик на колёсиках
2. тех. вагонетка, тележка
3. разг.
1) см. trolley car
2) троллейбус
4. кино операторская тележка
5. эл. роликовый токосниматель; троллей

off one's trolley - а) в душевном смятении; не в себе; б) помешанный, спятивший

2. [ʹtrɒlı] v амер.
1) ехать на трамвае
2) везти на трамвае

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trolley" в других словарях:

  • trolley — [ trɔlɛ ] n. m. • 1893; mot angl., de to troll « rouler » 1 ♦ Dispositif composé d une perche fixée au véhicule et d un organe mobile de contact, servant à transmettre le courant d un câble conducteur (⇒ caténaire) au moteur d un véhicule.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Trolley — may refer in American English to: * a tramTrolley may refer in British and Australian English to: * a shopping cart * a gurney or wheeled stretcherTrolley may also refer to: * the San Diego Trolley, a major form of public transportation in San… …   Wikipedia

  • trolley — ► NOUN (pl. trolleys) 1) Brit. a large wheeled metal basket or frame used for transporting heavy or unwieldy items such as luggage or supermarket purchases. 2) a small table on wheels or castors, used especially to convey food and drink. 3) (also …   English terms dictionary

  • trolley — [trä′lē] n. pl. trolleys [< East Anglian dial. < TROLL1] 1. a wheeled carriage, basket, etc. that runs suspended from an overhead track ☆ 2. an apparatus, as a grooved wheel at the end of a pole, for transmitting electric current from an… …   English World dictionary

  • Trolley — Trol ley, Trolly Trol ly, n. (a) A form of truck which can be tilted, for carrying railroad materials, or the like. [Eng.] (b) A narrow cart that is pushed by hand or drawn by an animal. [Eng.] (c) (Mach.) A truck from which the load is suspended …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trolley — 1823, in Suffolk dialect, a cart, especially one with wheels flanged for running on a track (1858), probably from TROLL (Cf. troll) (v.) in the sense of to roll. Sense transferred to pulley to convey current to a streetcar motor (1890), then… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Trolley — (engl., spr. tróllĭ, »Rolle«), s. Elektrische Eisenbahn, S. 606 …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • trolley — → trole …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • trolley — /ˈtrɔlli, ingl. ˈtrHlɪ/ [vc. ingl., da to troll «rotolare»] s. m. inv. 1. (nei tram, nei filobus) asta di presa, presa di corrente 2. valigia a rotelle …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • trolley — is spelt ey and has the plural form trolleys …   Modern English usage

  • trolley — [[t]trɒ̱li[/t]] trolleys 1) N COUNT A trolley is an object with wheels that you use to transport heavy things such as shopping or luggage. [BRIT] A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley. ...supermarket… …   English dictionary

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