
[ʹtrɒglədaıt] n
1. троглодит, пещерный человек
2. редк.
1) отшельник
2) обитатель трущоб

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Смотреть что такое "troglodyte" в других словарях:

  • troglodyte — [ trɔglɔdit ] n. m. • 1721; n. de peuple XIIe; lat. troglodyta, peuple sauvage d Afrique; gr. trôglodutês « qui entre dans des trous » 1 ♦ Habitant d une excavation naturelle (caverne, grotte), et par ext. d une demeure aménagée dans la terre, le …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Troglodyte — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Troglodyte (créature fantastique) et Troglodyte (oiseau) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Troglodyte — Trog lo*dyte, n. [L. troglodytae, pl., Gr. ? one who creeps into holes; ? a hole, cavern (fr. ? to gnaw) + ? enter: cf. F. troglodyte.] 1. (Ethnol.) One of any savage race that dwells in caves, instead of constructing dwellings; a cave dweller,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Troglodyte — may refer to:* A member of a primitive race or tribe of cave dwellers, a caveman. * A person who lives in seclusion, a hermit. * One of a group of people who built homes into the faces of cliffs, connected by underground passageways, such as in… …   Wikipedia

  • troglodyte — cave dweller, 1550s, from L. troglodytae (plural), from Gk. troglodytes cave dweller, lit. one who creeps into holes, from trogle hole (from trogein to gnaw; see TROUT (Cf. trout)) + dyein go in, dive in …   Etymology dictionary

  • troglodyte — ► NOUN 1) a cave dweller. 2) a person who is deliberately ignorant or old fashioned. DERIVATIVES troglodytic adjective. ORIGIN Greek tr glodut s, from the name of an Ethiopian people, influenced by tr gl …   English terms dictionary

  • troglodyte — [träg′lə dīt΄] n. [L troglodyta < Gr trōglodytēs, one who creeps into holes, cave dweller < trōglē, a hole, cave (< trōgein, to gnaw < IE * trōg < base * ter , to rub, grind > THROW) + dyein, to creep in, enter] 1. any of the… …   English World dictionary

  • troglodyte — (tro glo di t ) s. m. 1°   Nom d un ancien peuple d Afrique qui vivait dans des cavernes.    Se dit, en général, de tous les peuples sauvages qui habitent des cavernes ou qui se creusent des demeures souterraines. •   Il y avait en Arabie un… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • troglodyte — [[t]trɒ̱glədaɪt[/t]] troglodytes 1) N COUNT A troglodyte is someone who lives in a cave. [FORMAL] 2) N COUNT If you refer to someone as a troglodyte, you mean that they are unsophisticated and do not know very much about anything. He dismissed… …   English dictionary

  • troglodyte — UK [ˈtrɒɡlədaɪt] / US [ˈtrɑɡləˌdaɪt] noun [countable] Word forms troglodyte : singular troglodyte plural troglodytes 1) someone who lived in a cave thousands of years ago 2) impolite an insulting word for someone who is stupid or does not know… …   English dictionary

  • troglodyte — nm. (oiseau) : kriva siza <troglodyte mignon> nm. (Albanais) ; ijé d shâla (Cordon). E. : Roitelet …   Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard

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