
[traıʹʌmvırıt] n
1. ист. триумвират
2. книжн. трое, тройка, группа из трёх

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "triumvirate" в других словарях:

  • Triumvirate — Tri*um vi*rate, n. [L. triumviratus: cf. F. triumvirat.] 1. Government by three in coalition or association; the term of such a government. [1913 Webster] 2. A coalition or association of three in office or authority; especially, the union of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • triumvirate — 1580s, from L. triumviratus, from triumvir (see TRIUMVIR (Cf. triumvir)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • triumvirate — ► NOUN 1) a group of three powerful or notable people or things. 2) (in ancient Rome) a group of three men holding power …   English terms dictionary

  • triumvirate — [trī um′və rit] n. [L triumviratus] 1. the office, functions, or term of a triumvir 2. government by three persons or by a coalition of three parties 3. any association of three in authority 4. any group or set of three …   English World dictionary

  • Triumvirate — The Massacres of the Triumvirate, 1566, by Antoine Caron (Louvre Museum) A triumvirate (from Latin, of three men ) is a political regime dominated by three powerful individuals, each a triumvir (pl. triumviri). The arrangement can be formal or… …   Wikipedia

  • triumvirate — /truy um veuhr it, veuh rayt /, n. 1. Rom. Hist. the office or magistracy of a triumvir. 2. a government of three officers or magistrates functioning jointly. 3. a coalition of three magistrates or rulers for joint administration. 4. any… …   Universalium

  • triumvirate — [[t]traɪʌ̱mvɪrət[/t]] N SING COLL: oft N of n A triumvirate is a group of three people who work together, especially when they are in charge of something. [FORMAL] ...the triumvirate of women who worked together on the TV dramatisation of the… …   English dictionary

  • triumvirate — UK [traɪˈʌmvərət] / US noun [countable] Word forms triumvirate : singular triumvirate plural triumvirates formal a group of three powerful people, especially people in charge of something …   English dictionary

  • triumvirate — noun Date: 1584 1. a body of triumvirs 2. the office or government of triumvirs 3. a group or association of three …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • triumvirate — noun A group or association of three. Syn: troika …   Wiktionary

  • triumvirate — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A group of three individuals: three, threesome, triad, trine, trinity, trio, triple, triune, tri unity, troika. See GROUP …   English dictionary for students

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