- tritone
- [ʹtraıtəʋn] n муз.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tritone (1) — {{hw}}{{tritone (1)}{{/hw}}s. m. Creatura fantastica della mitologia greco romana, raffigurata con corpo umano terminante in due appendici pesciformi, dotato di pinne e di squame. tritone (2) {{hw}}{{tritone (2)}{{/hw}}s. m. (zool.) Anfibio che… … Enciclopedia di italiano
Tritone — Tri tone , n. [Gr. tri tonos of three tones; tri tri + to nos a tone.] (Mus.) A superfluous or augmented fourth. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tritone — [trī′tōn΄] n. [ML tritonum < Gr tritonon: see TRI & TONE] Music an interval of three whole tones … English World dictionary
Tritone — For other uses, see Tritone (disambiguation). tritone Inverse tritone Name Other names augmented fourth, diminished fifth Abbreviation TT Size … Wikipedia
tritone — /truy tohn /, n. Music. an interval consisting of three whole tones; an augmented fourth. [1600 10; < ML tritonus < Gk trítonos having three tones. See TRI , TONE] * * * ▪ music in music, the interval encompassed by three consecutive whole… … Universalium
tritone — 1tri·tó·ne s.m. 1. TS mitol. creatura fantastica della mitologia greca metà uomo e metà pesce 2. TS zool.com. nome comune degli anfibi del genere Triturus e di alcune specie del genere Euproctus 3. TS zool.com. mollusco marino della famiglia dei… … Dizionario italiano
tritone — triton фр. [трито/н] tritone англ. [тра/йтоун] tritono ит. [трито/но] Tritonus лат., нем. [трито/нус] тритон … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
Tritone paradox — The tritone paradox is an auditory illusion in which a sequentially played pair of Shepard tones [1] separated by an interval of a tritone, or half octave, is heard as ascending by some people and as descending by others … Wikipedia
Tritone Hotel Venice (Venice) — Tritone Hotel Venice country: Italy, city: Venice (Mestre) Tritone Hotel Venice Being built in the sixties, Tritone Hotel Venice owns a long tradition of hospitality and care for the guests. Nowadays, being completely restructured and restyled,… … International hotels
Tritone Hotel — (Буэнос Айрес,Аргентина) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Maipu, 657, Буэнос Айрес … Каталог отелей
Tritone Top House — (Рим,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Francesco Crispi 10, Спанья, 00187 Рим … Каталог отелей