- triquetra
- [traıʹkwetrə] n лат.
орнамент из трёх переплетённых дуг или петель, обыкн. в виде треугольника
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Triquetra — entrelacé En symbologie, un triquetra (mot dérivé du latin tri , « trois » et quetrus, « coins ») est un symbole constitué de trois vesicae piscis, parfois accompagné d un cercle intérieur ou extérieur[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Triquetra — (IPA2|ta kw epsilon;t) is a word derived from the Latin tri ( three ) and quetrus ( cornered ). Its original meaning was simply triangle and it has been used to refer to various three cornered shapes. Nowadays, it has come to refer exclusively to … Wikipedia
Triquetra — Die Triqueta, auch Triquetta oder Triquetra genannt, besteht aus drei verbundenen Kreisbögen. Der Name stammt aus dem Lateinischen und bedeutet dreieckig oder Knoten der Dreisamkeit oder einfach Dreieck. Dargestellt wird eine in Form eines… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TRIQUETRA — Sicilia sic dicta. Horat. l. 2. Sat. 6. v. 55. Militibus promissa, Triquetrâ Praemia Caesar, an est Italâ tellure daturus? Hiuc Triquetrus ad iectivum. Lucret. l. 1. de Empedocle, v. 717. Insula quem Triquetris terrarum gessit in oris … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Triquetra — (lat.), s. Dreischenkel … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Triquetra — (lat.), s. Dreischenkel [Abb. 452] … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Triquetra — Triquetrum Tri*que trum, n.; pl. {Triquetra}. [NL.] (Anat.) One of the bones of the carpus; the cuneiform. See {Cuneiform} (b) . [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
triquetra — triquetric /truy kwe trik/, adj. /truy kwee treuh, kwe /, n. a geometrical figure having three points, esp. one formed of three intersecting ellipses: The triquetra was often used in ancient art to symbolize a triune deity. [1580 90; < NL, n. use … Universalium
triquetra — three fish or fish outlines interlinked. A symbol of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) used by the Celtic Christian Church but dating before Christianity … Dictionary of ichthyology
triquetra — noun A shape formed of three vesica piscis, sometimes with an additional circle, a symbol of things and persons that are threefold. See Also: triquetrum … Wiktionary
triquetra — trì·que·tra, tri·què·tra s.f. TS stor. figura simbolica formata da tre gambe che partono da un centro comune, di origine orientale, frequente nella monetazione greca o romana {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1927. ETIMO: der. di triquetro … Dizionario italiano