- biomaterial
- [͵baıəʋməʹtı(ə)rıəl] n мед.
биоматериал, биологически совместимый материал (для протезирования)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Biomaterial — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda biomaterial puede referir a cualquiera de los siguientes: material biológico material biocompatible o bioaplicable Material derivado por rutas biológicas Material de base biológica. Obtenido de Biomaterial Categoría … Wikipedia Español
biomaterial — biomateriál s. n. (sil. bi o ) Trimis de siveco, 30.10.2006. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic BIOMATERIÁL s. n. produs folosit la restaurarea sau înlocuirea unor ţesuturi vii care au avut de suferit din diverse cauze. (< bio + material) Trimis de … Dicționar Român
biomaterial — biomaterial. m. Biol. Material tolerado por el organismo, utilizado para prótesis y otros fines … Enciclopedia Universal
biomaterial — m. Biol. Material tolerado por el organismo, utilizado para prótesis y otros fines … Diccionario de la lengua española
biomaterial — [bī′ōmə tir′ē əl] n. a synthetic or natural substance used to replace a bone, tissue, etc. in a living body … English World dictionary
Biomaterial — Hüftprothese in einem Röntgenbild Als Biomaterial oder zum Teil als Implantatmaterial werden allgemein synthetische oder nichtlebende natürliche Materialien oder Werkstoffe bezeichnet, die in der Medizin für therapeutische oder diagnostische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Biomaterial — The development of biomaterials is not a new area of science, having existed for around half a century. The study of biomaterials is called biomaterial science. It is an exciting field of science, having experienced steady and strong growth over… … Wikipedia
biomaterial — noun Date: 1966 a natural or synthetic material (as a metal or polymer) that is suitable for introduction into living tissue especially as part of a medical device (as an artificial joint) … New Collegiate Dictionary
biomaterial — /buy oh meuh tear ee euhl, buy oh meuh tear /, n. a synthetic material, usually a plastic, suitable for implanting in a living body to repair damaged or diseased parts. [1965 70; BIO + MATERIAL] * * * … Universalium
biomaterial — noun a) A nonviable material used in a medical device, intended to interact with biological systems. (source: Consensus definition, 1st Biomaterials Consensus Conference, 1986, Chester, UK) b) A material intended to interface with biological… … Wiktionary
biomaterial — A synthetic or semisynthetic material used in a biological system to construct an implantable prosthesis and chosen for its biocompatibility. [bio + material] * * * bio·ma·te·ri·al .bī ō mə tir ē əl n … Medical dictionary