- biomagnification
- [ʹbaıəʋ͵mægnıfıʹkeıʃ(ə)n] n
повышающаяся концентрация токсических веществ в каждом новом звене пищевой цепи
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Biomagnification — Biomagnification, also known as bioamplification, or biological magnification is the increase in concentration of a substance, such as the pesticide DDT, that occurs in a food chain as a consequence of: * Food chain energetics * Low (or… … Wikipedia
Biomagnification — La biomagnification (ou bioamplification) décrit le processus par lequel les taux de certaines substances croissent à chaque stade du réseau trophique (chaîne alimentaire). Cette notion entre dans le cadre plus global de la bioconcentration,… … Wikipédia en Français
biomagnification — a cumulative increase in the concentrations of a persistent substance in successively higher levels of the food chain; in aquatic environments fish are often the terminus of a food chain and have the most chemicals accumulated (PCBs may… … Dictionary of ichthyology
biomagnification — The increase in concentration of a substance in higher level consumer organisms … Dictionary of microbiology
biomagnification — /buy oh mag neuh fi kay sheuhn/, n. See biological magnification. [1970 75; BIO + MAGNIFICATION] * * * … Universalium
biomagnification — noun The process, in an ecosystem, in which a higher concentration of a substance in an organism is obtained higher up the food chain … Wiktionary
biomagnification — bio·mag·ni·fi·ca·tion (bi″o mag″nĭ fĭ kaґshən) the concentration of chemicals in increased quantities within animals, through a process of bioaccumulation, by being passed through a food chain … Medical dictionary
biomagnification — /ˌbaɪoʊmægnəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (say .buyohmagnuhfuh kayshuhn) noun the increase in toxicity of a chemical as a result of its progress along a food chain …
biomagnification — See: bio accumulation … Glossary of Biotechnology
biomagnification — /buy oh mag neuh fi kay sheuhn/, n. See biological magnification. [1970 75; BIO + MAGNIFICATION] … Useful english dictionary
Bioamplification — Biomagnification La biomagnification (ou bioamplification) décrit le processus par lequel les taux de certaines substances croissent à chaque stade du réseau trophique (chaîne alimentaire). Cette notion entre dans le cadre plus global de la… … Wikipédia en Français