- trilobite
- [ʹtraıləbaıt] n палеонт.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
trilobite — ● trilobite nom masculin (latin scientifique trilobites, du latin classique lobus, lobe) Classe de grands proarthropodes marins munis d antennes, fossiles dans les terrains primaires. ⇒TRILOBITE, subst. masc. ZOOL. ,,Arthropode marin fossile à… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Trilobite — Tri lo*bite (tr[imac] l[ o]*b[imac]t), n. [Cf. F. trilobite. See {Trilobate}.] (Paleon.) Any one of numerous species of extinct arthropods belonging to the order Trilobita. Trilobites were very common in the Silurian and Devonian periods, but… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trilobite — extinct marine arthropod, 1832, from Mod.L. Trilobites (Walch, 1771), from Gk. tri three + lobos lobe, so called because its body is divided into three lobes … Etymology dictionary
trilobite — [trī′lə bīt΄] n. [< ModL Trilobites, Trilobita: see TRI , LOBE, ITE1] any of a large class (Trilobita) of extinct marine arthropods having the body divided by two furrows into three parts, found as fossils in Paleozoic rocks trilobitic… … English World dictionary
Trilobite — ] Highly complex compound eyes are another obvious feature of the cephalon (see below). Figure 3 shows gross morphology of the cephalon. The cheeks (genae) are the pleural lobes on each side of the axial feature, the glabella. When trilobites… … Wikipedia
Trilobite — Trilobita Trilobites … Wikipédia en Français
trilobite — trilobitic /truy leuh bit ik/, adj. /truy leuh buyt /, n. any marine arthropod of the extinct class Trilobita, from the Paleozoic Era, having a flattened, oval body varying in length from 1 in. (2.5 cm) or less to 2 ft. (61 cm). [1825 35; < NL… … Universalium
trilobite larva — noun : a 3 lobed larva that is a developmental form of limulus and resembles a trilobite … Useful english dictionary
trilobite — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek trilobos three lobed, from tri + lobos lobe Date: 1832 any of numerous extinct Paleozoic marine arthropods (group Trilobita) having the segments of the body divided by furrows on the dorsal surface into three … New Collegiate Dictionary
TRILOBITE — n. m. T. d’Histoire naturelle Crustacé de l’époque primaire … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
trilobite — noun /ˈtraɪləˌbaɪt/ An extinct arthropod of the class Trilobita, whose body had three large lobes … Wiktionary