- triens
- [ʹtraıenz] n (pl -ntes) лат.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Triens — Triens, ca. 241–235 v. Chr. römischer Triens, Zeichnung Der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Triens — [lateinisch] der, das Drittel des antiken römischen As als Gewicht und Münze; 1 Triens =1/3 As = 4 Unciae … Universal-Lexikon
TRIENS — tertia pars Assis, sicut Sextans sexta: quae ambo volunt quidam esse Siculorum τρίαντα et ἕξαντα, in quo tamen difficultatem inveniunt, quum siguificatio sit prorsus alia. Nam ἕξας, semis, τρίας, quadrans. Gronovio proin, quemadmodum Quadrans ex… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Triens — Tri ens, n. [L., from tres, tria, three.] (Rom. Antiq.) A Roman copper coin, equal to one third of the as. See 3d {As}, 2. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Triëns — (lat.), 1/3 des As, s.d.; 2) 1/3 eines Medicinalpfundes = 4 Unzen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Triëns — Triëns, altröm. Münzen, s. As und Tremissis … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Triëns — Triëns, altröm. Kupfermünze = 1/3 As; seit Konstantin = 1/3 Goldsolidus … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Triens — The triens (plural trientes) was an Ancient Roman bronze coin produced during the Roman Republic valued at one third of an as (4 unciae). The most common design for the triens was the bust of Minerva and four pellets (indicating four unciae) on… … Wikipedia
triens — /truy enz/, n., pl. trientes /truy en teez/. 1. a copper coin of ancient Rome, issued during the Republic, a third part of an as. 2. tremissis (def. 1). [1595 1605; < L triens third part] * * * … Universalium
triens — noun A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic valued at 4 unciae … Wiktionary
triens — tri·ens … English syllables