- tridental
- [traıʹdentl] a
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
tridental — tri·den·tal … English syllables
tridental — (ˈ)trī|dentəl adjective 1. : of or relating to a trident : having the form of a trident 2. : divided into three points or prongs … Useful english dictionary
trident — /truyd nt/, n. 1. a three pronged instrument or weapon. 2. Rom. Hist. a three pronged spear used by a retiarius in gladiatorial combats. 3. Class. Myth. the three pronged spear forming a characteristic attribute of the sea god Poseidon, or… … Universalium
deltoid — Synonyms and related words: centrifugal, cuneate, cuneated, cuneiform, delta shaped, deltalike, divaricate, divaricating, divergent, diverging, fan shape, fan shaped, fanlike, fanned, fanning, flabelliform, flared, flaring, open, outspread,… … Moby Thesaurus
three dimensional — Synonyms and related words: 3 D, broad bodied, bulky, bullnecked, coarse, corpulent, crass, cubic, deltoid, dense, dimensional, fat, flat, fourth dimensional, full, full bodied, gross, heavy, heavyset, massive, microscopic, panchromatic, photo,… … Moby Thesaurus
triangular — Synonyms and related words: cuneate, cuneated, cuneiform, deltoid, fan shaped, oxygonal, three, three cornered, three dimensional, three footed, three in one, three pronged, three sided, triadic, trial, triangulate, triarch, trichotomous, tricorn … Moby Thesaurus
trident — Synonyms and related words: V, branch, clover, crotch, crutch, delta, deltoid, deuce ace, fan, fork, furcula, furculum, groin, inguen, leash, offshoot, prong, ramification, set of three, shamrock, stem, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, three,… … Moby Thesaurus
trifurcate — Synonyms and related words: V shaped, Y shaped, arboreal, arborescent, arboriform, biforked, bifurcate, bifurcated, branched, branching, branchlike, crotched, deltoid, dendriform, dendritic, forked, forking, forklike, furcate, pronged, ramous,… … Moby Thesaurus
trilateral — Synonyms and related words: bifacial, bilateral, cuneate, cuneated, cuneiform, deltoid, dihedral, flanked, handed, lateral, many sided, multilateral, one sided, oxygonal, polyhedral, quadrilateral, sided, tetrahedral, three cornered, three… … Moby Thesaurus
tripartite — Synonyms and related words: deltoid, three cornered, three dimensional, three footed, three pronged, three sided, triangular, triangulate, triarch, trichotomous, tricorn, tricornered, tricuspid, trident, tridental, trifid, triflorate, triflorous … Moby Thesaurus
Trisection — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Division into three parts. < N PARAG:Trisection >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 trisection trisection tripartition trichotomy Sgm: N 1 third third third part PARAG:Trisection >V GRP: V 1 Sgm: V 1 trisect trisect … English dictionary for students