
1. [traıʹkʌspıd] n
зуб с тремя выступами
2. [traıʹkʌspıd] a
1. имеющий три острия или выступа
2. анат. трёхстворчатый

tricuspid valve - трёхстворчатый клапан сердца

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tricuspid" в других словарях:

  • Tricuspid — Tri*cus pid, a. [L. tricuspis, idis; tri (see {Tri }) + cuspis a point: cf. F. tricuspide.] 1. Having three cusps, or points; tricuspidate; as, a tricuspid molar. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the tricuspid valves; as, tricuspid… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tricuspid — TRICUSPÍD, Ă, tricuspizi, de, adj. Care are trei vârfuri. ♢ Valvulă tricuspidă = valvulă a inimii care închide orificiul dintre atriul şi ventriculul drept. – Din fr. tricuspide. Trimis de LauraGellner, 01.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  tricuspíd adj.… …   Dicționar Român

  • tricuspid — [trī kus′pə dāt΄trī kus′pid] adj. [L tricuspis (gen. tricuspidis): see TRI & CUSP] 1. having three cusps, or points [a tricuspid tooth]: also tricuspidate [trī kus′pə dāt΄] 2. designating or of a valve with three flaps, between the right auricle… …   English World dictionary

  • tricuspid — 1660s, from L. tricuspidem (nom. tricuspis) “three pointed,” from tri (see TRI (Cf. tri )) + cuspis “point” (see CUSP (Cf. cusp)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tricuspid — Having three flaps or cusps. The valve that is called the tricuspid valve is situated between the right atrium and right ventricle and permits blood to flow only from the atrium into the ventricle. The aortic valve in the heart also has three… …   Medical dictionary

  • tricuspid — I. adjective Etymology: Latin tricuspid , tricuspis, from tri + cuspid , cuspis point Date: 1834 having three cusps < a tricuspid molar > II. noun Date: 1856 a tricuspid anatomical structure; especially a tooth having three cusps …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tricuspid — /truy kus pid/, adj. 1. Also, tricuspidal. having three cusps or points, as a tooth. Cf. bicuspid. 2. Anat. of, pertaining to, or affecting the tricuspid valve. n. 3. Anat. a tricuspid part, as a tooth. [1660 70; < L tricuspid (s. of tricuspis)… …   Universalium

  • tricuspid — tri•cus•pid [[t]traɪˈkʌs pɪd[/t]] adj. 1) Also, tri•cus′pi•dal. having three cusps or points, as a tooth Compare bicuspid 2) anat. of, pertaining to, or affecting the tricuspid valve 3) anat. den a tricuspid part, as a tooth • Etymology: 1660–70; …   From formal English to slang

  • tricuspid — with three points or cusps, e.g. tricuspid tooth …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • tricuspid — adj. concerning the tricuspid valve (Anatomy); having three points or cusps …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tricuspid — /traɪˈkʌspəd/ (say truy kuspuhd) adjective 1. Also, tricuspidal. having three cusps or points, as a tooth. 2. Anatomy denoting or relating to a valve of three segments, guarding the opening from the right atrium into the right ventricle of the… …  

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