trickledown theory

trickledown theory

trickle-down theory
1> теория "просачивания благ сверху вниз" (утверждение, что
выгоды монополий совпадают с выгодами мелких предпринимателей
и потребителей)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trickledown theory" в других словарях:

  • trickledown — ☆ trickledown [trik′ ldoun΄ ] adj. designating or of an economic theory that holds that government policies that stimulate profits and growth among the largest businesses will eventually benefit the entire economy, including the economically… …   Universalium

  • trickledown — ☆ trickledown [trik′ ldoun΄ ] adj. designating or of an economic theory that holds that government policies that stimulate profits and growth among the largest businesses will eventually benefit the entire economy, including the economically… …   English World dictionary

  • Neoliberalism — For the school of international relations, see Neoliberalism in international relations. Part of the Politics series on Neoliberalism …   Wikipedia

  • Reaganomics — (a portmanteau of Reagan and economics ) refers to the economic policies promoted by United States President Ronald Reagan. The four pillars of Reagan s economic policy were to:cite web |url=|titl… …   Wikipedia

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