- biological
- [͵baıəʹlɒdʒık(ə)l] a
biological environment - биологическая среда
biological methods - методы биологии
biological ripeness - биологическая или физиологическая зрелость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
biological environment - биологическая среда
biological methods - методы биологии
biological ripeness - биологическая или физиологическая зрелость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
biological — biological; eth·no·biological; hy·dro·biological; meta·biological; mi·cro·biological; pa·leo·biological; psy·cho·biological; ra·dio·biological; so·cio·biological; pre·biological; as·tro·biological; chro·no·biological; cryo·biological;… … English syllables
biological — [bī΄ə läj′i kəl] adj. 1. of or connected with biology; of plants and animals 2. of the nature of living matter 3. used in or produced by practical biology 4. related genetically rather than by adoption [her biological father] n. a biological… … English World dictionary
biological — also biologic adj 1) of or relating to biology or to life and living processes 2) used in or produced by applied biology 3) related by direct genetic relationship rather than by adoption or marriage <an adoptee who searched for years for her… … Medical dictionary
biological — 1840, from BIOLOGY (Cf. biology) + ICAL (Cf. ical). Biological clock attested from 1955; not especially of human reproductive urges until c.1991. Related: Biologically … Etymology dictionary
biological — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to biology or living organisms. 2) (of a parent or child) related by blood; natural. 3) relating to the use of micro organisms or toxins of biological origin as weapons of war. 4) (of a detergent) containing enzymes to… … English terms dictionary
biological — [[t]ba͟ɪ͟əlɒ̱ʤɪk(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Biological is used to describe processes and states that occur in the bodies and cells of living things. The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes... This is a… … English dictionary
Biological — The word biological may refer to: *Adjectival form of biology , the study of life *Biological (noun), a biological preparation (e.g., a vaccine or antitoxin) that is synthesized from living organisms or their products and used medically as a… … Wikipedia
biological — biologically, adv. /buy euh loj i keuhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to biology. 2. of or pertaining to the products and operations of applied biology: a biological test. n. 3. Pharm. any substance, as a serum or vaccine, derived from animal products or… … Universalium
biological — bi|o|lo|gi|cal [ˌbaıəˈlɔdʒıkəl US ˈla: ] adj 1.) relating to the natural processes performed by living things ▪ the biological functions of the body ▪ Depression is both biological and psychological. 2.) biological weapons/warfare/attack etc… … Dictionary of contemporary English
biological — /baɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (say buyuh lojikuhl) adjective Also, biologic. 1. relating to biology. 2. of or relating to the products and operations of applied biology: a biological preparation; a biological test. 3. (of a person) related by genetic lineage… …
biological — adjective 1 connected with biology: woman s biological function as a bearer of children | the biological sciences 2 biological father/mother/parent a child s natural parent, rather than someone who has become its parent through adoption (1) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English