- trialogue
- [ʹtraıəlɒg] n
разговор между тремя лицами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Trialogue — Tri a*logue, n. [LL. trialogus; tri (see {Tri }) + logus as, in L. dialogus, E. dialogue.] A discourse or colloquy by three persons. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trialogue — [trī′ə lôg΄, trī′əläg΄] n. [< TRI + LOGUE] an interchange and discussion of ideas among three groups having different origins, philosophies, principles, etc … English World dictionary
trialogue — (TRY.uh.log) n. A conversation or discussion between three people or groups. Also: tri alogue or trialog. Example Citation: scholar and one of the world s leading authorities on the Middle East, Bernard Lewis, has a delightful way of being self… … New words
trialogue — noun Etymology: tri + alogue (as in dialogue) Date: 1532 a scene, discourse, or colloquy in which three persons share … New Collegiate Dictionary
trialogue — /truy euh lawg , log /, n. a discussion or conversation in which three persons or groups participate. [1525 35; TRI + (DI)ALOGUE, mistaken as a formation with DI 1] * * * … Universalium
trialogue — (tri a lo gh ) s. m. Titre d un ouvrage de Jean Wiclef, qui après lui souleva la Bohême. ÉTYMOLOGIE Mot fait sur le modèle de dialogue, et doublement mal fait ; car tria ne veut pas dire trois, et dans dialogue dia ne veut pas dire deux, mais… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
trialogue — noun a dialogue between three people. Origin C16: formed irregularly from tri + dialogue (the prefix di misinterpreted as two ) … English new terms dictionary
trialogue — tri·a·logue … English syllables
trialogue — tri•a•logue [[t]ˈtraɪ əˌlɔg, ˌlɒg[/t]] n. cvb a discussion in which three persons or groups participate • Etymology: 1525–35; tri + (di ) alogue … From formal English to slang
trialogue — n.m. Conversation à trois … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
trialogue — ˈtrīəˌlȯg also läg noun ( s) Etymology: tri + alogue (as in dialogue) : a scene, discourse, or colloquy in which three persons share … Useful english dictionary