- trialism
- [ʹtraıəlız(ə)m] n
1. триализм (философская доктрина, по которой в основе всего сущего лежат три начала, в отличие от дуализма)2. тройственный союз; федерация трёх государств
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Trialism — in philosophy was introduced by John Cottingham as an alternative interpretation of the mind body dualism of Rene Descartes. Trialism keeps the two substances of mind and body, but introduces a third attribute, sensation, belonging to the union… … Wikipedia
trialism — TRIALÍSM s.n. (livr.) Sistem compus din trei elemente. ♦ Uniune alcătuită din trei state care sunt conduse de un singur suveran. [pr.: tri a ] – Din fr. trialisme. Trimis de dante, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 trialísm s. n. (sil. tri a ) Trimis… … Dicționar Român
trialism — tri·al·ism (triґəl iz əm) trialistic theory; see under theory … Medical dictionary
trialism — doctrine that humans have three separate essences (body, soul, spirit) Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
trialism — tri·al·ism … English syllables
trialism — ˈtrīəˌlizəm noun ( s) Etymology: tri + alism (as in dualism) 1. : triadism 2. [German trialismus, from tri + alismus (as in dualismus dualism)] : a federation or union of three states … Useful english dictionary
List of belief systems — Below are words that designate a set or subset of beliefs. This includes dispositional beliefs.Many, but not all, of these words end with the suffix –ism . Words like magnetism , prism , and schism , are not included, because they do not… … Wikipedia
Slovenia — /sloh vee nee euh, veen yeuh/, n. a republic in SE Europe: formerly part of Yugoslavia. 1,945,998; 7819 sq. mi. (20,250 sq. km). Cap.: Ljubljana. * * * Slovenia Introduction Slovenia Background: The Slovene lands were part of the Holy Roman… … Universalium
Austria-Hungary — Austro Hungarian Monarchy Other names Österreichisch Ungarische Monarchie (de) Osztrák Magyar Monarchia (hu) Empire … Wikipedia
Descartes: metaphysics and the philosophy of mind — John Cottingham THE CARTESIAN PROJECT Descartes is rightly regarded as one of the inaugurators of the modern age, and there is no doubt that his thought profoundly altered the course of Western philosophy. In no area has this influence been more… … History of philosophy
trialistic theory — a variant of the polyphyletic theory that holds that blood cells arise from three distinct types of stem cells, the myeloblasts, lymphoblasts, and monocytes. Cf. dualistic t. and monophyletic t. Called also trialism … Medical dictionary