- biography
- [baıʹɒgrəfı] n
биография; жизнеописание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
biography — biography, life, memoir, autobiography, confessions are comparable when they mean a more or less detailed account of the events and circumstances of a person s life. Biography is the technical, neutral term for this kind of writing or for an… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Biography — Bi*og ra*phy, n.; pl. {Biographies}. [Gr. ?; bi os life + ? to write: cf. F. biographie. See {Graphic}.] 1. The written history of a person s life. [1913 Webster] 2. Biographical writings in general. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biography — (n.) 1680s, probably from L. biographia, from Late Gk. biographia description of life, from Gk. bio life (see BIO (Cf. bio )) + graphia record, account (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)). Biographia was not in classical Greek (bios alone was the word for… … Etymology dictionary
biography — [n] account of person’s life adventures, autobiography, bio, biog, close up, confessions, diary, experiences, journal, letters, life, life history, life story, memoir, personal account, personal anecdote, personal narrative, personal record,… … New thesaurus
biography — ► NOUN (pl. biographies) ▪ an account of a person s life written by someone else. DERIVATIVES biographer noun biographic adjective biographical adjective … English terms dictionary
biography — [bī äg′rə fē; ] also [ bēäg′rə fē] n. [Gr biographia: see BIO & GRAPHY] 1. the histories of individual lives, considered as a branch of literature 2. pl. biographies an account of a person s life, described by another; life story … English World dictionary
biography — /buy og reuh fee, bee /, n., pl. biographies. 1. a written account of another person s life: the biography of Byron by Marchand. 2. an account in biographical form of an organization, society, theater, animal, etc. 3. such writings collectively.… … Universalium
Biography — For other uses, see Biography (disambiguation). For the Wikipedia policy on biographies of living persons, see Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons. Adi Holzer: Life (1997). The life is like a … Wikipedia
biography — The biography industry since 1960 has been remarkable in terms of its high quality, its continuity with past traditions, the distinctive nature of its topical variety and its sheer range of subjects. Standards and productivity have been high,… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
biography — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ authorized, official ▪ unauthorized, unofficial ▪ brief, potted (BrE), short ▪ … Collocations dictionary
biography — [[t]baɪɒ̱grəfi[/t]] biographies 1) N COUNT: oft with poss A biography of someone is an account of their life, written by someone else. 2) N UNCOUNT Biography is the branch of literature which deals with accounts of people s lives. ...a volume of… … English dictionary