
1. [ʹtrelıs] n
1. 1) шпалера, шпалерная форма дерева
2) подпорка (для плодовых деревьев)
2. решётка для вьющихся растений
2. [ʹtrelıs] v
1. ставить подпорки (для плодовых деревьев)
2. делать решётки (для вьющихся растений)
3. закрывать решёткой

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trellis" в других словарях:

  • Trellis — may refer to:* Trellis (agriculture), a structure that supports climbing plants * Trellis (graph), a special kind of graph, often used in coding * Trellis modulation, also known as trellis coded modulation , in telecommunications * Trellis… …   Wikipedia

  • trellis — [trel′is] n. [ME trelis < OFr treliz < VL * trilicius, coarse cloth < L trilix, triple twilled (see DRILL3): infl. by OFr treille, arbor: see TREILLAGE] 1. a structure of thin strips, esp. of wood, crossing each other in an open pattern… …   English World dictionary

  • trellis — (n.) c.1400, lattice, grating, from O.Fr. trelis, originally sackcloth, from V.L. *trilicius, from L. trilicis, gen. of trilix having three threads, triple twilled, from tri three + licium thread. Cognate with Gk. trimitos. Sense extended in O.Fr …   Etymology dictionary

  • trellis — ► NOUN ▪ a framework of light wooden or metal bars used as a support for trees or creepers. ► VERB (trellised, trellising) ▪ provide or support with a trellis. ORIGIN Old French trelis, from Latin trilix three ply …   English terms dictionary

  • Trellis — Trel lis, n. [OE. relis, F. treillis, fr. treille vine arbor, fr. L. tricla, triclea, triclia, a bower, arbor, summer house.] A structure or frame of crossbarred work, or latticework, used for various purposes, as for screens or for supporting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trellis — Trellis  метод кодирования при котором в сигнал вносится определённая избыточность (в исходную комбинацию). Треллис модуляция, или решётчатое кодирование. Техника группового кодирования, применяемая в высокоскоростных модемах для модуляции… …   Википедия

  • trellis — has inflected forms trellised, trellising …   Modern English usage

  • Trellis — Die Trellis Code Modulation, oder auch als Ungerboeck Code, Trellis Codierung, Trellis Modulation, abgekürzt als TCM bezeichnet, ist eine in der digitalen Signalverarbeitung eingesetzte Kombination aus Kanalcodierung zur Vorwärtsfehlerkorrektur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • trellis — /trel is/, n. 1. a frame or structure of latticework; lattice. 2. a framework of this kind used as a support for growing vines or plants. 3. a summerhouse, gazebo, arch, etc., made chiefly or completely of latticework. 4. Heraldry. a charge of… …   Universalium

  • trellis — trel•lis [[t]ˈtrɛl ɪs[/t]] n. 1) a frame or structure of latticework; lattice 2) such a framework used as a support for growing vines or plants 3) a summerhouse, arch, etc., made chiefly or completely of latticework 4) something with interwoven… …   From formal English to slang

  • trellis — /ˈtrɛləs / (say treluhs) noun 1. a frame or structure of latticework; a lattice. 2. a framework of this kind used for the support of growing vines, etc. –verb (t) 3. to furnish with a trellis. 4. to enclose in a trellis. 5. to train or support on …  

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