
[ʹtri:tı] n
1. соглашение, договор

binding treaty - обязывающий договор

boundary treaty - договор об установлении границ

conciliation treaty - договор о согласительной процедуре

executory treaty - договор, подлежащий выполнению в будущем

peace treaty, treaty of peace - мирный договор

treaty of friendship - договор о дружбе

treaty of alliance - договор о союзе

treaty of cession - договор о цессии

treaty of commerce and navigation - договор о торговле и судоходстве, конвенция о торговле и мореплавании

treaty of guarantee - договор о гарантии

treaty of marriage - брачный договор

treaty of mutual assistance - договор о взаимной помощи

treaty of neutrality - договор о нейтралитете

non-aggression treaty - договор о ненападении

commercial treaty - торговый договор

non-proliferation treaty - договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия

comprehensive test ban treaty - договор о полном и всеобщем запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия

limited test ban treaty - договор о запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия в трёх средах (в атмосфере, в космическом пространстве и под водой)

treaty obligations - взятые по договору обязательства, договорные обязательства

under this treaty - по условиям данного договора

to conclude /to sign/ a treaty - заключить /подписать/ договор

to enter into a treaty - заключить договор

to observe [to register] a treaty - соблюдать [зарегистрировать] договор

to renounce a treaty - отказаться от договора, денонсировать договор

2. 1) арх. переговоры

to be in treaty with smb. for smth. - вести с кем-л. переговоры о чём-л.; договариваться с кем-л. о чём-л.

2) сделка, контракт

to sell smth. by a private treaty - продать что-л. в частном порядке; заключить полюбовную сделку на продажу чего-л.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "treaty" в других словарях:

  • Treaty 4 — was a treaty established between Queen Victoria and the Cree and Saulteaux First Nations. The area covered by Treaty 4 represents most of current day southern Saskatchewan, plus small portions of what are today western Manitoba and southeastern… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 3 — was an agreement entered into on October 3, 1873, by the Ojibway Nation and Queen Victoria. The treaty covers a large part of what is now northwestern Ontario and a small part of eastern Manitoba. Treaty 3 also provided for rights for the Metis… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 8 — was an agreement signed on June 21, 1899, between Queen Victoria and various First Nations at Lesser Slave Lake. Adhesions to this agreement were signed that same year on July 1 at Peace River Landing, July 6 at Dunvegan, July 8 at Fort Vermilion …   Wikipedia

  • treaty — treat‧y [ˈtriːti] noun treaties PLURALFORM [countable] 1. a formal agreement between two countries or governments: • The US Taiwan trade treaty is still valid, despite the ending of diplomatic ties. comˌmercial ˈtreaty ECONOMICS an agreement on… …   Financial and business terms

  • treaty — trea·ty n pl treaties [Anglo French treté, from Middle French traité, from Medieval Latin tractatus, from Latin, handling, treatment, from tractare to treat, handle] 1: the action of treating and esp. of negotiating 2: an agreement or arrangement …   Law dictionary

  • Treaty 7 — was an agreement between Queen Victoria and several mainly Blackfoot First Nations tribes in what is today the southern portion of Alberta. It was concluded on September 22, 1877. The agreement was signed at the Blackfoot Crossing of the Bow… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 2 — was an agreement established August 21, 1871, between the Queen Victoria and various First Nations in southwest Manitoba and a small part of southeast Saskatchewan; treaty signatories from this region included the Ojibway tribes. This would be… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 6 — is an agreement between the Canadian monarch and the Plain and Wood Cree Indians and other tribes of Indians at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt and Battle River. The area given up by the Plain and Wood Cree represents most of the central area of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 5 — is a treaty that was first established in September, 1875, between Queen Victoria and Saulteaux and Swampy Cree non treaty tribes and peoples around Lake Winnipeg in the part of the North West Territories known as Rupert s Land. [A written text… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 1 — was an agreement established August 3, 1871 between Queen Victoria and various First Nations in South Eastern Manitoba including the Chippewa and Swampy Cree tribes. This would be the first treaty signed since the 1867 formation of the modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 9 — was an agreement established in July, 1905, between King Edward VII and various First Nations in northern Ontario. One First Nation community in the bordering Abitibi region of northwestern Quebec is also included in this treaty. It was also… …   Wikipedia

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