- biofeedback training
- [͵baıə(ʋ)ʹfi:dbækʹtreınıŋ]
метод обучения самоконтролю за физиологическим состоянием организма
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Biofeedback — is a form of alternative medicine that involves measuring a subject s quantifiable bodily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature, sweat gland activity, and muscle tension, conveying the information to the patient in real… … Wikipedia
biofeedback — /buy oh feed bak /, n. 1. a method of learning to control one s bodily functions by monitoring one s own brain waves, blood pressure, degree of muscle tension, etc. 2. the feedback thus obtained. [1970 75; BIO + FEEDBACK] * * * Information… … Universalium
Biofeedback Certification International Alliance — Motto More than qualified, BCIA Board certified! Formation 1981 Type non profit Headquarters Wheat Ridge, CO Membership 1500 … Wikipedia
biofeedback — i o*feed back n. a training program in which a person is given information about physiological processes (heart rate or blood pressure) that is not normally available with the goal of gaining conscious control of them. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
biofeedback — ☆ biofeedback [bī΄ōfēd′bak΄ ] n. a technique of seeking to control certain emotional states, such as anxiety or depression, by training oneself, with the aid of electronic devices, to modify autonomic body functions, such as blood pressure or… … English World dictionary
Biofeedback — Mit dem Begriff Biofeedback (altgr. βίος bios „Leben“ und engl. feedback „Rückmeldung“) wird eine Methode bezeichnet, bei der Veränderungen von Zustandsgrößen biologischer Vorgänge, die der unmittelbaren Sinneswahrnehmung nicht zugänglich sind,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Biofeedback — Au sens large, la rétroaction biologique ou le biofeedback est un ensemble de techniques principalement relatives à la bioélectricité pour la mesure de fonctions organiques, basées sur la visualisation, avec des appareils électriques, des signaux … Wikipédia en Français
Biofeedback — A method of treatment that uses monitors to feed back to patients physiological information of which they are normally unaware. By watching the monitor, patients can learn by trial and error to adjust their thinking and other mental processes in… … Medical dictionary
biofeedback — Synonyms and related words: Arica movement, Erhard Seminars Training, New Consciousness, Pentothal interview, SAT, T group, assertiveness training, behavior modification, behavior therapy, bioenergetics, confrontation therapy, conjoint therapy,… … Moby Thesaurus
training program — noun a program designed for training in specific skills (Freq. 10) • Hypernyms: ↑educational program • Hyponyms: ↑biofeedback, ↑preemployment training program … Useful english dictionary
Hypoxic Training Index — (HTi)This parameter provides an objective measure of the hypoxic stress delivered during the Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) session, compared to simple recording the inhaled fraction of oxygen (FiO2). HTi provides a figure (index) of dosage… … Wikipedia