
[trɔ:ʹmætık] a мед.
1) травматический

traumatic neurosis - травматический невроз

2) травмирующий

the atmosphere in the hospital was traumatic - атмосфера в больнице травмировала пациентов

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "traumatic" в других словарях:

  • traumatic — TRAUMÁTIC, Ă, traumatici, ce, adj. Care are caracter de traumatism; de natura traumatismului. – Din fr. traumatique, lat. traumaticus. Trimis de LauraGellner, 29.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  traumátic adj. m. (sil. trau ), pl. traumátici; f …   Dicționar Român

  • Traumatic — Trau*mat ic, a. [L. traumaticus, Gr. ?, from ?, ?, a wound: cf. F. traumatique.] (Med.) (a) Of or pertaining to wounds; applied to wounds. Coxe. (b) Adapted to the cure of wounds; vulnerary. Wiseman. (c) Produced by wounds; as, traumatic tetanus …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • traumatic — 1650s, from L.L. traumaticus, from Gk. traumatikos “pertaining to a wound,” from trauma (see TRAUMA (Cf. trauma)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • traumatic — trau|mat|ic [ trɔ mætık ] adjective * 1. ) a traumatic experience or event makes you feel very upset, afraid, or shocked: The death of my father was extremely traumatic for me. 2. ) MEDICAL a traumatic injury causes serious damage to the body ╾… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • traumatic — [[t]trɔːmæ̱tɪk, AM traʊ [/t]] ADJ GRADED A traumatic experience is very shocking and upsetting, and may cause psychological damage. I suffered a nervous breakdown. It was a traumatic experience... For a child the death of a pet can be traumatic.… …   English dictionary

  • traumatic */ — UK [trɔːˈmætɪk] / US [trɔˈmætɪk] adjective 1) a traumatic experience or event makes you feel very upset, afraid, or shocked The death of my father was extremely traumatic for me. 2) medical a traumatic injury causes serious damage to the body… …   English dictionary

  • traumatic — Relating to or caused by trauma. [G. traumatikos] * * * trau·mat·ic trə mat ik, trȯ , trau̇ adj of, relating to, resulting from, or causing a trauma <cases of traumatic rupture (Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc.)> <a traumatic experience>… …   Medical dictionary

  • traumatic — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ become, get ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc …   Collocations dictionary

  • traumatic — trau|mat|ic [tro:ˈmætık US tro: ] adj a traumatic experience is so shocking and upsetting that it affects you for a long time ▪ His son s death was the most traumatic event in Stan s life. >traumatically [ kli] adv …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • traumatic — adjective a traumatic experience is so shocking an upsetting that it affects you for a long time: The death of his son was the most traumatic event in Stan s life. traumatically / kli/ adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • traumatic — [trɔ: matɪk, traʊ ] adjective 1》 deeply disturbing or distressing: a traumatic divorce. 2》 Medicine relating to or denoting physical injury. Derivatives traumatically adverb …   English new terms dictionary

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