- transsexualism
- [trænzʹsek|ʃʋəlız(ə)m,-{trænzʹsek}sjʋəlız(ə)m] n мед.
транссексуализм, стремление к изменению своего пола
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Transsexualism — is a condition in which a person identifies with a physical sex different from the one with which they were born. A medical diagnosis can be made if a person experiences discomfort as a result of a desire to be a member of the opposite sex,cite… … Wikipedia
transsexualism — TRANSSEXUALÍSM s. n. sentiment delirant, dorinţă de a aparţine sexului opus. (< fr. transsexualisme) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
transsexualism — intense desire to change one s sexual status, including the anatomical structure, 1953, coined by U.S. physician Harry Benjamin (1885 1986) from TRANS (Cf. trans ) + SEXUAL (Cf. sexual). Transsexuality is recorded from 1941, but was used at first … Etymology dictionary
Transsexualism — Consistently strong desire to change one’s anatomical gender. Some transsexuals were misassigned gender at birth (for example, being anatomically male but raised as female), either on purpose or due to indistinct anatomy. Most, however, are… … Medical dictionary
transsexualism — transsexual (also transexual) ► NOUN ▪ a person born with the physical characteristics of one sex who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to such a person. DERIVATIVES transsexualism… … English terms dictionary
transsexualism — noun see transsexual … New Collegiate Dictionary
transsexualism — See transsexual. * * * Self identification with one sex by a person who has the external genitalia and secondary sexual characteristics of the other sex. Early in life, such a person adopts the behaviour characteristic of the opposite sex.… … Universalium
transsexualism — noun The state of being transsexual. Syn: transsexuality … Wiktionary
transsexualism — транссексуализм … Термины гендерных исследований
transsexualism — trans·sexualism … English syllables
transsexualism — n. the condition of one who firmly believes that he (or she) belongs to the sex opposite to his (or her) biological gender. Children with such beliefs are treated with encouragement to engage in the activities appropriate to their biological sex… … The new mediacal dictionary