
[trænʹspaıə] v
1. 1) становиться известным

nothing transpired of all that happened - о том, что произошло, ничего не было известно

certain events of the war which have recently transpired - некоторые события военного времени, ставшие известными совсем недавно

2) обнаруживаться, выясняться

it soon transpired that there were several conceptions of this problem - скоро выяснилось /обнаружилось/, что эту проблему понимали по-разному

2. разг. случаться, происходить

important events transpired last week - на прошлой неделе произошли важные события

I heard later what transpired at the meeting [in my absence] - я позднее узнал, что произошло /случилось/ на собрании [в моё отсутствие]

3. 1) просачиваться (о газе)
2) выступать в виде капель (о поте и т. п.)
3) испускать
4. испаряться

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Смотреть что такое "transpire" в других словарях:

  • transpire — [v1] occur, happen arise, befall, betide, chance, come about, come to pass, develop, ensue, eventuate, fall out*, gel, go, result, shake, take place, turn up; concept 3 transpire [v2] become known be disclosed, be discovered, be made public,… …   New thesaurus

  • Transpire — Tran*spire , v. t. 1. (Physiol.) To excrete through the skin; to give off in the form of vapor; to exhale; to perspire. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) To evaporate (moisture) from living cells. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Transpire — Tran*spire , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Transpired}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Transpiring}.] [F. transpirer; L. trans across, through + spirare to breathe. See {Spirit}.] 1. (Physiol.) To pass off in the form of vapor or insensible perspiration; to exhale.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • transpire — index arise (occur), ensue, occur (happen), pass (advance) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • transpiré — transpiré, ée (tran spi ré, rée) part. passé de transpirer. Exhalé par transpiration. •   Des sucs gommeux ou résineux, transpirés par les feuilles, BONNET Lett. div. Oeuv. t. XII, p. 436, dans POUGENS. •   La quantité d eau aspirée et transpirée …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • transpire — 1590s, pass off in the form of a vapor or liquid, from M.Fr. transpirer (mid 16c.), from L. trans through (see TRANS (Cf. trans )) + spirare to breathe (see SPIRIT (Cf. spirit)). Figurative sense of leak out, become known is recorded from 1741,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • transpire — *happen, occur, chance, befall, betide …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • transpire — The origin of the word is in the Latin verb spirare ‘to breathe’, and in its primary physical sense meant ‘to give off vapour’ or ‘to perspire’ (a meaning still used in the physical sciences). In the 18c it developed two abstract meanings, both… …   Modern English usage

  • transpire — ► VERB 1) come to be known; prove to be so. 2) happen. 3) Botany (of a plant or leaf) give off water vapour through the stomata. DERIVATIVES transpiration noun. ORIGIN Latin transpirare, from spirare breathe …   English terms dictionary

  • transpire — [tran spīr′] vt. transpired, transpiring [Fr transpirer < ML transpirare < L trans , TRANS + spirare, to breathe: see SPIRIT] to cause (vapor, moisture, etc.) to pass through tissue or other permeable substances, esp. through the pores of… …   English World dictionary

  • transpire — verb (transpired; transpiring) Etymology: Middle French transpirer, from Medieval Latin transpirare, from Latin trans + spirare to breathe Date: 1597 transitive verb to pass off or give passage to (a fluid) through pores or interstices;… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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