transoceanic — TRANSOCEÁNIC, Ă, transoceanici, ce, adj. s.n. 1. adj. Care este situat dincolo de ocean, de peste ocean; care se face între mai multe oceane. 2. s.n. Navă (comercială) de mare tonaj folosită pentru transportul între porturi situate de o parte şi… … Dicționar Român
transoceanic — [trans΄ō΄shē an′ik, tranz΄ō΄shē an′ik] adj. 1. crossing or spanning the ocean 2. coming from or being on the other side of the ocean … English World dictionary
transoceanic — /trans oh shee an ik, tranz /, adj. 1. extending across or traversing the ocean: a transoceanic cable. 2. situated or living beyond the ocean: transoceanic peoples. [1820 30; TRANS + OCEANIC] * * * … Universalium
transoceanic — adjective /ˌtɹæn.zəʊ.ʃiˈæn.ɪk/ a) beyond or on the other side of an ocean Guam is a transoceanic territory of the United States. b) crossing an ocean We took a transoceanic flight … Wiktionary
transoceanic — adjective Date: 1827 1. lying or dwelling beyond the ocean 2. crossing or extending across the ocean < a transoceanic telephone cable > … New Collegiate Dictionary
transoceanic — trans•o•ce•an•ic [[t]ˌtræns oʊ ʃiˈæn ɪk, ˌtrænz [/t]] adj. 1) extending across or traversing the ocean: a transoceanic cable[/ex] 2) situated or living beyond the ocean • Etymology: 1820–30 … From formal English to slang
transoceanic — adj. 1 situated beyond the ocean. 2 concerned with crossing the ocean (transoceanic flight) … Useful english dictionary
transoceànic — trans|o|ce|à|nic Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
transoceánic — s. n. (sil. cea ; mf. trans ), pl. transoceánice … Romanian orthography
transoceanic — trans·o·ce·an·ic || trænz‚əʊʃɪ ænɪk , s adj. across the ocean, crossing the ocean … English contemporary dictionary
transoceanic — adjective 1》 crossing an ocean. 2》 coming from or situated beyond an ocean … English new terms dictionary