- transmigrant
- [trænzʹmaıgrənt] n
иностранец, находящийся в стране проездом на новое местожительство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Transmigrant — Trans mi*grant, a. [L. transmigrans, p. pr. See {Transmigrate}.] Migrating or passing from one place or state to another; passing from one residence to another. n. One who transmigrates. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transmigrant — [trans mī′grənt, tranzmī′grənt] adj. [L transmigrans, prp. of transmigrare] that transmigrates n. a person or thing that transmigrates; specif., an emigrant passing through a country or place on the way to the country in which he or she will be… … English World dictionary
transmigrant — /trans muy greuhnt, tranz /, n. 1. a person or thing that transmigrates. 2. a person passing through a country or place on the way to another place in which he or she intends to settle. adj. 3. passing from one place or state to another. [1665… … Universalium
transmigrant — trans•mi•grant [[t]trænsˈmaɪ grənt, trænz [/t]] n. 1) a person passing through a country or place on the way to the place in which he or she intends to settle 2) passing from one place or state to another • Etymology: 1665–75; < L trānsmigrant … From formal English to slang
transmigrant — adj. & n. adj. passing through, esp. a country on the way to another. n. a migrant or alien passing through a country etc. Etymology: L transmigrant , part. stem of transmigrare (as TRANSMIGRATE) … Useful english dictionary
transmigrant — noun a) someone who transmigrates b) someone in transit through a country on the way to a final destination See Also: transmigrable, transmigrate, transmigration, transmigrator, transmigratory … Wiktionary
transmigrant — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun One who emigrates: emigrant, immigrant, migrant. See APPROACH … English dictionary for students
transmigrant — noun a person passing through a country or region in the course of emigrating to another … English new terms dictionary
transmigrant — trans·mi·grant … English syllables
transmigrant — /trænzˈmaɪgrənt/ (say tranz muygruhnt) noun 1. a person passing through a country or place on the way from one country to another in which the intention is to settle. –adjective 2. transmigrating. {Latin transmigrans, present participle} …
NIRVANA ET SAMSARA — Le mot nirv ユa désigne la cessation de la transmigration ou succession indéfinie des existences que les Indiens appellent sa ュs ra . Il est surtout utilisé dans le bouddhisme où il possède un sens très particulier, la conception du salut étant… … Encyclopédie Universelle