
[trænzʹhju:məns] n
сезонный перегон скота на новые пастбища

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transhumance" в других словарях:

  • Transhumance — is a term with two accepted usages: * Older sources use transhumance for vertical seasonal livestock movement, typically to higher pastures in summer and to lower valleys in winter. Herders have a permanent home, typically in valleys. Only herds… …   Wikipedia

  • TRANSHUMANCE — Les mouvements pastoraux en montagne ont pour but de profiter au mieux de l’étagement des pâturages en altitude. L’estivage, ou inalpage, des montagnes d’Europe est un déplacement intramontagnard entre des étables d’hiver situées dans les vallées …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • transhumance — [trans hyo͞o′məns, tranzhyo͞o′məns] n. [Fr < transhumer, to practice transhumance < Sp trashumar < tras , trans (< L, TRANS ) + L humus, earth: see HUMUS2] seasonal and alternating movement of livestock, together with the persons who… …   English World dictionary

  • Transhumance — La transhumance, du latin trans (de l autre côté) et humus (la terre, le pays), est la migration périodique d une part du bétail (bovidés, cervidés, équidés et ovins) de la plaine vers la montagne ou de la montagne vers la plaine, d autre part… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • transhumance — transhumant, adj. /trans hyooh meuhns/ or, often, /yooh , tranz /, n. the seasonal migration of livestock, and the people who tend them, between lowlands and adjacent mountains. [1900 05; < F, equiv. to transhum(er) to shift ground (modeled on Sp …   Universalium

  • transhumance — noun Etymology: French, from transhumer to practice transhumance, from Spanish trashumar, from tras trans (from Latin trans ) + Latin humus earth more at humble Date: circa 1901 seasonal movement of livestock (as sheep) between mountain and… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • transhumance — (tran zu man s ) s. f. Émigration périodique des troupeaux de moutons des pays de plaine, qui vont, sous la conduite des bergers, passer les mois les plus chauds de l année dans les pâturages des montagnes. •   Quant aux bestiaux, leur entrée et… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Transhumance in the Alps — The traditional economy of the Alps throughout history has been based upon rearing cattle involving seasonal migration between valley and high pastures (German de. Almwirtschaft, Alpwirtschaft from the term for seasonal mountain pasture , de. Alm …   Wikipedia

  • TRANSHUMANCE — n. f. T. didactique Action de transhumer …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • transhumance — noun /trænzˈhjuːməns/ the moving of cattle or other grazing animals to new pastures, often quite distant, according to the change in season …   Wiktionary

  • transhumance — The seasonal movement of herd animals, together with the herding population, between regions, as pasture becomes available (often between highlands and lowlands). Transhumant populations, such as the Saami of arctic Scandinavia and the Nuer of… …   Dictionary of sociology

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