- zymosis
- zaɪˈməusɪs сущ. (специальное) брожение, ферментация (медицина) заразное начало, зараза zymosis брожение ~ заразная болезнь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
zymosis — [zī mō′sis] n. pl. zymoses [zī mō′sēz΄] [ModL < Gr zymōsis, fermentation < zymē, a leaven, ferment: see ZYME] 1. fermentation 2. the development and spread of a zymotic disease 3. any infectious disease … English World dictionary
Zymosis — y*mo sis, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? fermentation, fr. ? ferment.] (Med.) (a) A fermentation; hence, an analogous process by which an infectious disease is believed to be developed. (b) A zymotic disease. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zymōsis — (gr.), 1) Säuern, Gährenmachen; 2) Geschwulst; 3) Gährung … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
zymosis — /zuy moh sis/, n., pl. zymoses / seez/. 1. fermentation. 2. an infectious or contagious disease. [1835 45; < NL zymosis < Gk zýmosis, equiv. to zymo , var. s. of zymoûn to leaven, ferment (deriv. of zýme leaven) + sis SIS] * * * … Universalium
zymosis — zy•mo•sis [[t]zaɪˈmoʊ sɪs[/t]] n. pl. ses ( sēz). pat an infectious or contagious disease • Etymology: 1835–45; < NL zȳmōsis < Gk zymōsis=zȳmo(ûn) to leaven, ferment + sis sis zy•mot′ic ˈmɒt ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
zymosis — noun a) A fermentation; hence, an analogous process by which an infectious disease is believed to be developed. b) A zymotic disease … Wiktionary
zymosis — n. 1. the process of fermentation, brought about by yeast organisms. 2. the changes in the body that occur in certain infectious diseases, once thought to be the result of a process similar to fermentation. • zymotic adj … Medical dictionary
zymosis — zy·mo·sis || zaɪ məʊsɪs n. fermentation; disease caused by fermentation … English contemporary dictionary
zymosis — zy·mo·sis … English syllables
zymosis — n. 1) the process of fermentation, brought about by yeast organisms. 2) the changes in the body that occur in certain infectious diseases, once thought to be the result of a process similar to fermentation. Derivatives: zymotic adj … The new mediacal dictionary
zymosis — /zaɪˈmoʊsəs/ (say zuy mohsuhs) noun (plural zymoses /zaɪˈmoʊsiz/ (say zuy mohseez)) 1. an infectious or contagious disease. 2. Obsolete a process analogous to fermentation, by which certain infectious and contagious diseases were supposedly… …