- zygomata
- zaɪˈɡəumətə pl от zygoma zygomata pl от zygoma
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
zygomata — zy·go·ma || zaɪ gəʊmÉ™ /zɪ n. cheekbone, zygomatic bone; bony arch of the skull located below the orbit of the skull, zygomatic arch (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
Zygoma — Zy|go|ma 〈n.; s, ma|ta〉 = Jochbogen (2) [grch.; zu zygoun „verbinden“; zu zygon „Joch“] * * * Zy|go|ma [auch: t̮sy:goma], das; s, Zygomata [griech. zýgōma, zu: zygón = Joch] (Anat.): ↑ Jochbogen (1). * * * … Universal-Lexikon
zygoma — noun (plural zygomata; also mas) Etymology: New Latin zygomat , zygoma, from Greek zygōma, from zygoun to join, from zygon yoke Date: circa 1684 1. a. zygomatic arch b. a slender bony process of the zygomatic arch 2. zygomatic bone … New Collegiate Dictionary
Homo erectus — For the 2007 comedy film, see Homo Erectus (film). Homo erectus Temporal range: 1.9–0.1 Ma … Wikipedia
zygoma — /zuy goh meuh, zi /, n., pl. zygomata / meuh teuh/. Anat. 1. See zygomatic arch. 2. the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. 3. See zygomatic bone. [1675 85; < NL zygoma < Gk zýgoma bolt, bar, equiv. to zygo , var. s. of zygoûn … Universalium
zygoma — (n.) pl. zygomata, 1680s, Modern Latin, from Gk. zygoma, from zygon yoke (see JUGULAR (Cf. jugular)) … Etymology dictionary
zygoma — [zʌɪ gəʊmə, zɪg ] noun (plural zygomata tə) Anatomy the bony arch of the cheek formed by connection of the zygomatic and temporal bones. Derivatives zygomatic adjective Origin C17: from Gk zugōma, from zugon yoke … English new terms dictionary
zygoma — /zaɪˈgoʊmə/ (say zuy gohmuh), /zɪ / (say zi ) noun (plural zygomata /zaɪˈgoʊmətə/ (say zuy gohmuhtuh), /zɪ / (say zi ) or zygomas) 1. the bony arch below the orbit of the skull, which is formed by the maxillary, jugal, and temporal bones. 2. Also …
zygoma — [zī gō′mə] n. pl. zygomata [zī gō′mə tə, zi gō′mə tə] or zygomas [ModL < Gr zygōma < zygoun, to yoke < zygon,YOKE] Anat. 1. ZYGOMATIC ARCH 2. ZYGOMATIC BONE 3. ZYGOMATIC PROCESS zygom … English World dictionary
zygoma — n. (pl. zygomata) the bony arch of the cheek formed by connection of the zygomatic and temporal bones. Etymology: Gk zugoma atos f. zugon yoke … Useful english dictionary