Смотреть что такое "zonohedron" в других словарях:
Zonohedron — A zonohedron is a convex polyhedron where every face is a polygon with point symmetry or, equivalently, symmetry under rotations through 180°. Any zonohedron may equivalently be described as the Minkowski sum of a set of line segments in three… … Wikipedia
zonohedron — noun A special case of convex polyhedron, in which every face of the polyhedron is a polygon with point symmetry … Wiktionary
Polyhedron — Polyhedra redirects here. For the relational database system, see Polyhedra DBMS. For the game magazine, see Polyhedron (magazine). For the scientific journal, see Polyhedron (journal). Some Polyhedra Dodecahedron (Regular polyhedron) … Wikipedia
Cube — This article is about the geometric shape. For other uses, see Cube (disambiguation). Regular Hexahedron (Click here for rotating model) Type Platonic solid Elements F = 6, E = 12 V = 8 (χ = 2) … Wikipedia
Truncated octahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 14, E = 36, V = 24 (χ = 2) Faces by sides 6 … Wikipedia
Truncated cuboctahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 26, E = 72, V = 48 (χ = 2) Faces by sides … Wikipedia
Truncated icosidodecahedron — (Click here for rotating model) Type Archimedean solid Uniform polyhedron Elements F = 62, E = 180, V = 120 (χ = 2) Faces by sides … Wikipedia
Parallelepiped — In geometry, a parallelepiped (now usually pronEng|ˌpærəlɛlɪˈpɪpɛd, ˌpærəlɛlɪˈpaɪpɛd, pɪd; traditionally IPA|/ˌpærəlɛlˈʔɛpɪpɛd/ [ Oxford English Dictionary 1904; Webster s Second International 1947] in accordance with its etymology in Greek… … Wikipedia
Cuboid — For other uses, see Cuboid (disambiguation). In geometry, a cuboid is a solid figure bounded by six faces, forming a convex polyhedron. There are two competing (but incompatible) definitions of a cuboid in mathematical literature. In the more… … Wikipedia
List of polygons, polyhedra and polytopes — This is a list of polygons, polyhedra and polytopes, by Wikipedia page. See also list of regular polytopes, list of geometry topics.*10 sided dice *24 cell *600 cell *120 cell *Antiprism *Archimedean solid *Bipyramid *Catalan solid *Chiliagon… … Wikipedia
Rhombic dodecahedron — The rhombic dodecahedron is a convex polyhedron with 12 rhombic faces. It is an Archimedean dual solid, or a Catalan solid. Its dual is the cuboctahedron. Properties It is the polyhedral dual of the cuboctahedron, and a zonohedron. The long… … Wikipedia