Смотреть что такое "zingari" в других словарях:
zingari — ● zingaro, zingari nom masculin Nom italien des bohémiens, des tsiganes. ⇒ZINGARO (masc.), ZINGARA (fém.), ZINGARI (plur.), subst. Vieilli. Tzigane, bohémien. J avais su qui tu étais, égyptienne, bohémienne, gitane, zingara, comment douter de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Zingari — Zingaro in ga*ro, n.; pl. {Zingari}. [It.] A gypsy. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Zingari — Zingaro Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français
zingari — (zin ga ri) s. m. Un des noms de la race à laquelle appartiennent les vagabonds connus sous le nom d Égyptiens ou de Bohémiens. ÉTYMOLOGIE Ces peuples, sorte de parias, sont venus originairement de l Indoustan ; eux mêmes se donnent le nom de… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Zingari — The common Italian name for Gypsies, derived from the Greek atsingani. Gitano is also used … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
zingari — n. gypsy … English contemporary dictionary
I Zingari — (from dialectalized Italian i zingari , meaning the Gypsies corresponding to standard Italian gli zingari ) are English and Australian amateur cricket clubs.The English club was formed on 4 July 1845 by a group of old Harrovians at a dinner party … Wikipedia
I Zingari League — The I Zingari League was an amateur association football competition based in Liverpool, England which existed from at least 1897 [ [http://www.marinefc.com/history/seasonbyseason.php History of Marine FC] refers to them joining the league in… … Wikipedia
Centro Studi Zingari — Italy. Est. 1966. Director: Mirella Karpati. An Italian cultural and educational organization. It published the journal Lacio Drom and organized several international meetings, including the Ostia Conference. The center ceased activity around… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies
ngari — zingari … Dictionnaire des rimes
Bibliography — I. INTRODUCTION The bibliography is arranged by classes and subclasses. With very few exceptions, only works published after 1945 have been included. For historical works, one should consult George Black s A Gypsy Bibliography (Edinburgh:… … Historical dictionary of the Gypsies