zero-dimensional scalar

zero-dimensional scalar
мат. скаляр нулевой размерности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "zero-dimensional scalar" в других словарях:

  • Scalar-tensor theory — Scalar tensor theories are theories that include a scalar field as well as a tensor field to represent an interaction, especially the gravitational one. Tensor fields and field theory Modern physics tries to derive all physical theories from as… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar field theory — In theoretical physics, scalar field theory can refer to a classical or quantum theory of scalar fields. A field which is invariant under any Lorentz transformation is called a scalar , in contrast to a vector or tensor field. The quanta of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional analysis — In physics and all science, dimensional analysis is a tool to find or check relations among physical quantities by using their dimensions. The dimension of a physical quantity is the combination of the basic physical dimensions (usually mass,… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar potential — A scalar potential is a fundamental concept in vector analysis and physics (the adjective scalar is frequently omitted if there is no danger of confusion with vector potential). Given a vector field F, its scalar potential V is a scalar field… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar curvature — In Riemannian geometry, the scalar curvature (or Ricci scalar) is the simplest curvature invariant of a Riemannian manifold. To each point on a Riemannian manifold, it assigns a single real number determined by the intrinsic geometry of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Scalar field theory (pseudoscience) — For the quantum mechanical scalar field theory which is a field theory of spinless particles, see Scalar field theory Scalar field theory (SFT) is a set of theories in a model which posits that there is a basic mechanism that produces the… …   Wikipedia

  • Lorentz scalar — In physics a Lorentz scalar is a scalar which is invariant under a Lorentz transformation. A Lorentz scalar is generated from vectors and tensors. While the vectors and tensors are altered by Lorentz transformations, scalars are unchanged.imple… …   Wikipedia

  • Weyl scalar — In General Relativity, the Weyl scalars are a set of five complex scalar quantities, :Psi 0, ldots, Psi 4, describing the curvature of a four dimensional spacetime. They are the expression of the ten independent degrees of freedom of the Weyl… …   Wikipedia

  • Examples of vector spaces — This page lists some examples of vector spaces. See vector space for the definitions of terms used on this page. See also: dimension, basis. Notation . We will let F denote an arbitrary field such as the real numbers R or the complex numbers C.… …   Wikipedia

  • Euclidean subspace — In linear algebra, an Euclidean subspace (or subspace of R n ) is a set of vectors that is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Geometrically, a subspace is a flat in n dimensional Euclidean space that passes through the origin.… …   Wikipedia

  • Mermin–Wagner theorem — In quantum field theory and statistical mechanics, the Mermin–Wagner theorem (also known as Mermin–Wagner–Hohenberg theorem or Coleman theorem) states that continuous symmetries cannot be spontaneously broken at finite temperature in systems with …   Wikipedia

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