zero solution

zero solution
нулевое решение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "zero solution" в других словарях:

  • Zero configuration networking — (zeroconf), is a set of techniques that automatically creates a usable Internet Protocol (IP) network without manual operator intervention or special configuration servers. Zero configuration networking allows devices such as computers and… …   Wikipedia

  • zéro — [ zero ] n. m. • 1485; empr., pour remplacer l a. fr. cifre « zéro », puis « chiffre », à l it. zero, d ab. zefiro, transcription de l ar. sifr « vide; zéro »; cf. chiffre 1 ♦ Symbole numéral (0) destiné à remplacer, dans la numération écrite,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Solution focused brief therapy — (SFBT), often referred to as simply solution focused therapy or brief therapy , is a type of talking therapy that is based upon social constructionist philosophy. It focuses on what clients want to achieve through therapy rather than on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-knowledge web application — Zero knowledge web applications are a special kind of online services that were defined and introduced by the development team at [ Clipperz] in 2006. They dubbed their online password manager the first zero knowledge web… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero–sum game — For other uses, see Zero sum (disambiguation). In game theory and economic theory, a zero sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which a participant s gain (or loss) of utility is exactly balanced by the losses (or gains) of… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-product property — In the mathematical areas of algebra and analysis, the zero product property, also known as the zero product rule , is an abstract and explicit statement of the familiar property from elementary mathematics that if the product of two real numbers …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-sum — In game theory and economic theory, zero sum describes a situation in which a participant s gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participant(s). If the total gains of the participants are added up, and the total… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero (Mega Man) — General CVG character name=Zero caption=Zero as he appears in the Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero series. firstgame= Mega Man X series= Mega Man X series and Mega Man Zero series creator=Keiji Inafune voiceactor=Wayne Doster (1997 2002) Jack… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero day attack — A zero day (or zero hour) attack or threat is a computer threat that tries to exploit unknown, undisclosed or patchfree computer application vulnerabilities. The term Zero Day is also used to describe unknown or Zero day viruses. Zero day… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero State Response — In electrical circuit theory, the Zero State Response or ZSR is the behavior or response of a circuit with initial state of zero. The ZSR results only from the external inputs or driving functions of the circuit and not from the initial state.… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero Hour (comics) — Supercbbox| title = Zero Hour comic color = background: #8080ff caption = Cover to Zero Hour #1, the penultimate issue of the series. Cover by Dan Jurgens Jerry Ordway. schedule = weekly format = limited series publisher = DC Comics date =… …   Wikipedia

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