zero output

zero output
выход "0";
выходной сигнал нуля;
нулевой сигнал на выходе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "zero output" в других словарях:

  • Zero output — Нулевой сигнал на выходе …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • logical zero output signal — loginio nulio išėjimo signalas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. logical zero output signal vok. logsches Null Ausgangssignal, n rus. выходной сигнал логического 0 , m pranc. signal de sortie de zéro logique, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Zero crossing — is a commonly used term in electronics, mathematics, and image processing. In mathematical terms, zero crossing basically means the changing of sign (e.g. from positive to negative), that is represented with a crossing of the axis (zero value) in …   Wikipedia

  • Zero emission — refers to an engine, motor, or other energy source, that emits no waste products that pollutes the environment or disrupts the climate. Zero emission enginesVehicles and other mobile machinery used for transport (over land, sea, air, rail) and… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-based budgeting — is a technique of planning and decision making which reverses the working process of traditional budgeting. In traditional incremental budgeting, departmental managers justify only increases over the previous year budget and what has been already …   Wikipedia

  • Zero carbon solar controller — Zero carbon solar controllers use solar electricity generated on site rather than mains electricity to pump solar hot water. Zero carbon solar controllers are currently being developed in the United Kingdom and other European countries.Purpose… …   Wikipedia

  • Output power of an analog TV transmitter — Output power of a TV transmitter is the electric power applied to antenna system. There are two definitions: nominal (or peak) and thermal. Contents 1 Power defined in terms of voltage 2 Nominal power of a TV transmitter 3 The thermal power …   Wikipedia

  • Zero-forcing precoding — Zero forcing (or Null Steering) precoding is a spatial signal processing by which the multiple antenna transmitter can null multiuser interference signals in wireless communications. Regularized zero forcing precoding is enhanced processing to… …   Wikipedia

  • zero-rated supply — A taxable supply on which value added tax (VAT) is charged at 0%. A person making zero rated supplies is able to recover all of the input tax which is attributable to the zero rated supplies but is not required to account for output tax on those… …   Law dictionary

  • Zero Forcing Equalizer — refers to a form of linear equalization algorithm used in communication systems which inverts the frequency response of the channel. This form of equalizer was first proposed by Robert Lucky.AlgorithmIf the channel response (or channel transfer… …   Wikipedia

  • Zero State Response — In electrical circuit theory, the Zero State Response or ZSR is the behavior or response of a circuit with initial state of zero. The ZSR results only from the external inputs or driving functions of the circuit and not from the initial state.… …   Wikipedia

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