zero frequency
Смотреть что такое "zero frequency" в других словарях:
zero frequency — nulinis dažnis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. zero frequency vok. Nullfrequenz, f rus. нулевая частота, f pranc. fréquence zéro, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
zero-frequency current — pastovioji srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. constant current; constant direct current; zero frequency current vok. gleichbleibender Strom, m; konstanter Strom, m rus. неизменяющийся ток, m; ток нулевой частоты, m; ток… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Frequency comb — A frequency comb is the graphic representation of the spectrum of a mode locked laser. An octave spanning comb can be used for mapping radio frequencies into the optical frequency range or it can be used to steer a piezoelectric mirror within a… … Wikipedia
Zero-point energy — is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero point energy, a… … Wikipedia
Zero-forcing precoding — Zero forcing (or Null Steering) precoding is a spatial signal processing by which the multiple antenna transmitter can null multiuser interference signals in wireless communications. Regularized zero forcing precoding is enhanced processing to… … Wikipedia
Zero-fare public transport — services are funded in full by means other than collecting a fare from passengers. They may be funded by national, regional or local government through taxation or by commercial sponsorship by businesses. Types of zero fare transportCity wide… … Wikipedia
Frequency-dependent selection — is the term given to an evolutionary process where the fitness of a phenotype is dependent on its frequency relative to other phenotypes in a given population. In positive frequency dependent selection (or purifying frequency dependent selection) … Wikipedia
Zero if — refers to the nonstandard deletion of if where standard English has it, leading to sentences like this:* You ll get there on time you hurry up (you ll get there on time if you hurry up)Zero IF can also be short for Zero Intermediate… … Wikipedia
Zero Intermediate Frequency — is a radio demodulation technique that does not use an intermediate frequency, but utilizes only one mixer stage to convert the desired signal directly to and from the baseband without any IF stages and without the need for external SAW filters … Wikipedia
Zero Forcing Equalizer — refers to a form of linear equalization algorithm used in communication systems which inverts the frequency response of the channel. This form of equalizer was first proposed by Robert Lucky.AlgorithmIf the channel response (or channel transfer… … Wikipedia
Zero wait state — is a feature of a processor or computer architecture in which the processor does not have to wait to perform memory access. Non zero wait state describes the situation when a processor operates at a higher frequency than the memory, it has a wait … Wikipedia