Смотреть что такое "zeolitic" в других словарях:
zeolitic — ZEOLÍTIC, Ă, zeolítici, e, adj. (min.) 1. Care aparţine zeoliţilor. 2. Care conţine zeoliţi sau care este format din zeoliţi. ♦ Rocă zeolitică. 3. Apă zeolitică = Mulţimea moleculelor de apă conţinute în reţeaua cristalină a zeoliţilor. (din fr.… … Dicționar Român
Zeolitic — e o*lit ic, a. Of or pertaining to a zeolite; consisting of, or resembling, a zeolite. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zeolitic — adjective see zeolite * * * zeolitic / litˈ/ adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑zeolite … Useful english dictionary
Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks — are metal organic framework carbon dioxide sinks which could be used to keep industrial emissions of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. One litre of the crystals could store about 83 litres of CO2. The crystals are non toxic and require little … Wikipedia
zeolitic — adjective see zeolite … New Collegiate Dictionary
zeolitic — adjective Of, pertaining to, containing, or produced using a zeolite … Wiktionary
zeolitic — ze·o·lit·ic … English syllables
zeolitic facies — One of the major divisions of the mineral facies classification of metamorphic rocks, encompassing rocks that formed at the lowest temperatures and pressures associated with regional metamorphism. Typical minerals in these facies include the… … Universalium
zeolite — zeolitic /zee euh lit ik/, adj. /zee euh luyt /, n. Mineral. any of a group of hydrated silicates of aluminum with alkali metals, commonly occurring as secondary minerals in cavities in basic volcanic rocks: used for their molecular sieve… … Universalium
Richard L. Hay — Richard LeRoy Hay (April 29 1929 ndash; February 10 2006) was an American geologist whose most famous work was as the principal geologist working with Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge, the site of many important hominid finds in the study of human… … Wikipedia
Nickel–Strunz classification — is a scheme for categorizing minerals based upon their chemical composition, introduced by German mineralogist Karl Hugo Strunz (24 February 1910 – 19 April 2006) in his 1941 Mineralogische Tabellen.[1] The 4th edition was edited by Christel… … Wikipedia