zareba, zareeba

zareba, zareeba
(арабское) зареба, живая (обыкн. колючая) изгородь, палисад (арабское) лагерь, окруженный колючей изгородью или проволокой (тж. * camp)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "zareba, zareeba" в других словарях:

  • zareeba — zareba, zareeba see zariba …   Useful english dictionary

  • zareeba — Zareba a*re ba, n. (Mil.) An improvised stockade; especially, one made of thorn bushes, etc. [Written also {zareeba}, and {zeriba}.] [Egypt] [1913 Webster] Ah, he moralizes, what wonderful instinct on the part of this little creature to surround …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Zareba — a*re ba, n. (Mil.) An improvised stockade; especially, one made of thorn bushes, etc. [Written also {zareeba}, and {zeriba}.] [Egypt] [1913 Webster] Ah, he moralizes, what wonderful instinct on the part of this little creature to surround itself …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • zareba — or zareeba [zə rē′bə] n. [Ar zarība, a pen] in the Sudan and surrounding territory, a camping place or enclosure formed by a palisade or thorn hedge …   English World dictionary

  • zareba — /zeuh ree beuh/, n. (in the Sudan and adjoining regions) a protective enclosure, as of thorn bushes. Also, zareeba. [1840 50; < Ar zaribah pen] * * * …   Universalium

  • zeriba — Zareba a*re ba, n. (Mil.) An improvised stockade; especially, one made of thorn bushes, etc. [Written also {zareeba}, and {zeriba}.] [Egypt] [1913 Webster] Ah, he moralizes, what wonderful instinct on the part of this little creature to surround …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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