- zaibatsu
- (японское) дзайбацу, промышленные и финансовые монополии (в Японии)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
ZAIBATSU — Clan financier (littéralement: «clique financière») dont l’existence historique est particulière au Japon. Le zaibatsu domine l’économie nippone jusqu’au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale tant par le monopole financier qu’il constitue que… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Zaibatsu — [z ], Bezeichnung für große japanische Industrie , Handels und Finanzkonzerne (z. B. Kawasaki, Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda), die, als Familienunternehmen gegründet, seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts oder Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts die… … Universal-Lexikon
zaibatsu — ZAIBATSÚ s.n. Trust în Japonia. (din fr. zaibatsu) Trimis de tavi, 12.05.2004. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
zaibatsu — 1937, from Japanese zaibatsu, from zai wealth + batzu clique … Etymology dictionary
zaibatsu — [zī′bät so͞o′] pl.n. sing. zaibatsu [Jpn < SinoJpn zai, wealth + batsu, family] the few families that dominate Japanese finance, commerce, and industry … English World dictionary
zaibatsu — (izg. zaibacȗ) m <indekl.> DEFINICIJA ekon. ukupnost koncerna i sl. kojima je na vrhu centralna holding kompanija ETIMOLOGIJA jap … Hrvatski jezični portal
Zaibatsu — Marunouchi Headquarters for Mitsubishi zaibatsu, pre 1923 Zaibatsu (財閥?, litera … Wikipedia
zaibatsu — /zuy bah tsooh /, n., pl. zaibatsu. a great industrial or financial combination of Japan. [1935 40; < Japn, equiv. to zai wealth ( < MChin, equiv. to Chin cái) + batsu, deriv. of bat clique ( < MChin, equiv. to Chin fá)] * * * (Japanese; wealthy… … Universalium
Zaibatsu — En Japón, el término zaibatsu (財閥, zaibatsu?) que literlmanete significa camarilla financiera define a un gran grupo de empresas que están presentes en casi todos los sectores de la economía. Las empresas que forman un zaibatsu suelen formar… … Wikipedia Español
zaibatsu — Large family owned conglomerates that controlled much of the economy of Japan prior to World War II. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * zaibatsu zai‧bat‧su [zaɪˈbætsuː] noun zaibatsu PLURALFORM or zaibatsus [countable] ORGANIZATIONS in Jap … Financial and business terms
Zaibatsu — A Japanese term for the large financial combines, literally, “financial cliques,” that were the pillar of the Japanese economy from the 1880s through 1945. Organized around individual families and their holding companies, the zaibatsu… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914