Смотреть что такое "zabaglione" в других словарях:
Zabaglione — /dzabaʎˈʎone/ oder Zabaione /ʦabaˈjoːnə/ (in Frankreich auch als Sabayon /sabɛjõ/ bekannt) ist eine der bekanntesten Nachspeisen der i … Deutsch Wikipedia
zabaglione — [zä΄bəl yō′nē; ] It [ dzä΄bä lyō̂′ne] n. [It, aug. of zabaione, ult. < LL sabaia, an Illyrian barley drink, beer, ult. < IE base * sab , to taste > SAP1] a frothy dessert or sauce made of eggs, sugar, and wine, typically Marsala, beaten … English World dictionary
Zabaglione — Zabaione (written also Zabajone, pronounced|dzɑbɑˈjɔnɛ; or Zabaglione, pronounced|zɑbɑˈʎɔnɛ), is an Italian dessert made with egg yolks, sugar, a sweet liquor (usually Marsala wine), and sometimes one of cream, mascarpone, or whole eggs. It is a… … Wikipedia
zabaglione — noun Etymology: Italian Date: 1899 a whipped dessert or topping consisting of a mixture of egg yolks, sugar, and usually Marsala wine that is often served on fruit … New Collegiate Dictionary
zabaglione — /zah beuhl yoh nee/; It. /dzah bah lyaw ne/, n. Italian Cookery. a foamy, custardlike mixture of egg yolks, sugar, and Marsala wine, usually served hot or chilled as a dessert. Also, zabaione, zabajone /zah beuh yoh nee/; It. /dzah bah yaw ne/.… … Universalium
zabaglione — noun a) A custard like dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and Marsala wine. b) eggnog … Wiktionary
Zabaglione — Za|ba|gli|o|ne auch: Za|bag|li|o|ne 〈[ baıjo: ] f. 10; Kochk.〉 = Zabaione * * * Za|ba|g|li|o|ne: ↑ Zabaione. * * * Za|ba|gli|o|ne [...bal jo:nə], Za|ba|i|o|ne [ jo:nə], die; , s [ital. zaba(gl)ione]: Weinschaum, Weinschaumcreme … Universal-Lexikon
zabaglione — za·ba·glió·ne s.m. var. → zabaione … Dizionario italiano
Zabaglione — Za|ba|gli|o|ne auch: Za|bag|li|o|ne 〈 [ baıjo: ] f.; Gen.: , Pl.: s; ital. Kochk.〉 = Zabaione … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Zabaglione — Za|ba|glio|ne* [tsabal jo:nə] u. Za|ba|io|ne [ jo:nə] die; , s <aus gleichbed. it. zaba(gl)ione> Weinschaumsoße, Weinschaumcreme … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
zabaglione — pl.m. zabaglioni … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari