

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "yugoslavia" в других словарях:

  • Yugoslavia — (Serbo Croatian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian: Jugoslavija ; Cyrillic script: Југославија; literally in English: South Slavia or Land of South Slavs ) is a term that describes three political entities that existed successively on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Yugoslavia — La bandera de Yugoslavia ha sido históricamente la compuesta por los tres colores paneslavos: rojo, blanco y azul, aunque con dife …   Wikipedia Español

  • YUGOSLAVIA — ( Land of the Southern Slavs ), until 1991 a Socialist Federated Republic in S.E. Europe, in the Balkan Peninsula. The various elements of which Yugoslav Jewry was composed after 1918 (i.e., those of Serbia and the Austro Hungarian countries)… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Yugoslavia — Yu*go slav i a, n. A mountainous republic in southeastern Europe [syn: [Yugoslavia],[Federal Republic of Yugoslavia], [Jugoslavija], [Serbia and Montenegro]] [WordNet 1.7] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Yugoslavia — El nombre de esta antigua nación de Europa tiene dos formas igualmente válidas, Yugoslavia y Yugoeslavia. Es preferible la primera, tanto por su mayor frecuencia de uso como por su más sencilla articulación. Lo mismo cabe decir de las formas… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Yugoslavia — 1929 (earlier the country was Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes); from YUGOSLAV (Cf. Yugoslav) + IA (Cf. ia). The name vanished from the map in 2003 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Yugoslavia — [yo͞o΄gō slä′vē ə, yo͞o΄gəsläv′yə; yo͞osläv′yə] a former country in the NW Balkan Peninsula, bordering on the Adriatic: established as a nation in 1918 (called Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, 1918 29), became a federal republic (1945) …   English World dictionary

  • Yugoslavia — Yugoslavian, adj., n. Yugoslavic, adj. /yooh goh slah vee euh/, n. 1. a federal republic in S Europe: since 1992 comprised of Serbia and Montenegro. 10,573,928; 39,449 sq. mi. (102,173 sq. km). Cap.: Belgrade. 2. Formerly (1918 29), Kingdom of… …   Universalium

  • Yugoslavia — Este artículo es sobre el territorio conocido genéricamente como Yugoslavia. Para otros significados, véase Yugoslavia (desambiguación) El territorio conocido genéricamente como Yugoslavia es el que agrupa a los estados de Eslovenia, Croacia,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Yugoslavia —    Estimated Gypsy population of Yugoslavia in 1992 (before the breakup of the republic): one million. More than 50,000 Yugoslav Gypsies had perished during the Nazi Holocaust, leaving a population of perhaps 600,000 in 1945. In 1981 a census… …   Historical dictionary of the Gypsies

  • Yugoslavia —    Founded on 1 December 1918, as the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Yugoslavia united the bulk of the South Slav population following the collapse of the Hapsburg Empire. On the eve of World War II, the population of Yugoslavia was… …   Historical dictionary of the Holocaust

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