- youthful appearance
- моложавость Syn : adolescence
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
youthful — youth|ful [ˈju:θfəl] adj 1.) typical of young people, or seeming young youthful enthusiasm/energy/vigour youthful appearance/looks/complexion ▪ She has managed to maintain her youthful appearance. 2.) young ▪ The photo shows a smiling, youthful… … Dictionary of contemporary English
youthful — youthful, juvenile, puerile, boyish, virgin, virginal, maiden are comparable when they mean relating to or characteristic of one who is between childhood and adulthood; although their basic meaning is the same, they are seldom interchangeable… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
youthful — adjective a youthful new leader Syn: young looking, spry, sprightly, vigorous, active; young, boyish, girlish; fresh faced, in the springtime of life, in one s salad days Ant: old, elderly •• youthful, adolescent, callow, immature, juvenile,… … Thesaurus of popular words
appearance — noun 1 way that sb/sth looks ADJECTIVE ▪ attractive, handsome, youthful ▪ distinctive, odd, strange, striking ▪ dishevelled/disheveled … Collocations dictionary
youthful — youthfully, adv. youthfulness, n. /yoohth feuhl/, adj. 1. characterized by youth; young. 2. of, pertaining to, or befitting youth: youthful enthusiasm. 3. having the appearance, freshness, vigor, etc., of youth: She is 60 but her optimism has… … Universalium
youthful — adj. 1 young, esp. in appearance or manner. 2 having the characteristics of youth (youthful impatience). 3 having the freshness or vigour of youth (a youthful complexion). Derivatives: youthfully adv. youthfulness n … Useful english dictionary
youthful — adj. Youthful is used with these nouns: ↑ambition, ↑appearance, ↑energy, ↑enthusiasm, ↑excitement, ↑exuberance, ↑folly, ↑indiscretion, ↑inexperience, ↑innocence, ↑look, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
youthful — /ˈjuθfəl/ (say yoohthfuhl) adjective 1. characterised by youth; young. 2. of, relating to, or befitting youth. 3. having the appearance, freshness, vigour, etc., of youth. 4. early in time. 5. Physical Geography (of topographical features) having …
boyish look — appearance resembling that of a boy, youthful appearance … English contemporary dictionary
List of Cluedo characters — The board game Cluedo (Clue in North America) and the associated 1985 film Clue, contains six murder suspects, all of whom survived into the final 2002 edition of the game. They typically represent types, or stock characters, of European and… … Wikipedia
Dick Clark — For other people named Dick Clark, see Dick Clark (disambiguation). Dick Clark Dick Clark backstage during the Grammy Awards telecast, 1990. Born Richard Wagstaff Clark November 30, 1929 ( … Wikipedia