young hare

young hare
зайчонок Syn : leveret

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "young hare" в других словарях:

  • Hare — Jackrabbit and Jack rabbit redirect here. For other uses, see Jackrabbit (disambiguation). Lepus redirects here. For other uses, see Lepus (disambiguation). For other uses, see Hare (disambiguation). Hares European Hare (Le …   Wikipedia

  • hare — [OE] The hare seems originally to have been named from its colour. The word comes from prehistoric West and North Germanic *khason, which also produced German hase, Dutch haas, and Swedish and Danish hare, and if as has been suggested it is… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • hare — [OE] The hare seems originally to have been named from its colour. The word comes from prehistoric West and North Germanic *khason, which also produced German hase, Dutch haas, and Swedish and Danish hare, and if as has been suggested it is… …   Word origins

  • Hare School — is one of the oldest existing schools in Kolkata, and one of the best schools in India, currently teaching grades 1 to 12 under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The boys only… …   Wikipedia

  • hare — [her, har] n. pl. hares or hare [ME < OE hara, akin to Ger hase < IE * k̑as , gray (hence, lit., the gray animal, euphemism for a taboo name) > L canus, hoary] any of a large group of swift mammals (order Lagomorpha) of the same family… …   English World dictionary

  • Hare Krishna in popular culture — Contributions to popular culture involving direct reference to the Hare Krishna mantra, or the Hare Krishna movement include the following: In music Beatles influenceAfter coming in contact with the Hare Krishnas in 1969, several of the Beatles… …   Wikipedia

  • Haré+Guu — Infobox animanga/Header name = Haré+Guu caption = ja name = ジャングルはいつもハレのちグゥ ja name trans = Janguru wa Itsumo Hare nochi Gū genre = ComedyInfobox animanga/Manga title = Jungle ha Itsumo Hare nochi Guu author = Renjuro Kindaichi publisher =… …   Wikipedia

  • Young Bengal — Als Young Bengal, auch bekannt als Young Calcutta, Hindu College Students oder Derozios, bezeichnet man eine Studentenbewegung aus dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert in Kolkata, Indien. Die Bewegung bestand hauptsächlich aus Intellektuellen, die zum… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Young Bengal — The Young Bengal movement was a group of radical Bengali free thinkers emerging from Hindu College, Calcutta in the early 19th century. They were also known as Derozians, after their firebrand teacher at Hindu College, Henry Louis Vivian… …   Wikipedia

  • Hare Krishna — /hahr ee krish neuh, har ee/ a religious sect based on Vedic scriptures, whose followers engage in joyful congregational chanting of Krishna s name: founded in the U.S. in 1966. [from chanted phrase Hare Krishna! < Hindi hare krsna O Krishna!] *… …   Universalium

  • hare — harelike, adj. /hair/, n., pl. hares, (esp. collectively) hare, v., hared, haring. n. 1. any rodentlike mammal of the genus Lepus, of the family Leporidae, having long ears, a divided upper lip, and long hind limbs adapted for leaping. 2. any of… …   Universalium

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