
ju:l сокр.;
разг. = you will;
you shall (разговорное) сокр. от you will и you shall you'll сокр. разг. = you will;
you shall you'll сокр. разг. = you will;
you shall you'll сокр. разг. = you will;
you shall

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "you'll" в других словарях:

  • You — (stressed /IPA|jü/; unstressed [IPA|jə] ) is the second person personal pronoun in Modern English. Ye was the original nominative form; the oblique/objective form is you (functioning originally as both accusative and dative), and the possessive… …   Wikipedia

  • you — [ weak jə, weak ju, strong ju ] function word *** You can be used in the following ways: as a subject or object pronoun: What do you want? I like you. I ll make the tea for you. as a determiner: You children had better go to bed now. 1. ) used… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • You — ([=u]), pron. [Possess. {Your} ([=u]r) or {Yours} ([=u]rz); dat. & obj. {You}.] [OE. you, eou, eow, dat. & acc., AS. e[ o]w, used as dat. & acc. of ge, g[=e], ye; akin to OFries. iu, io, D. u, G. euch, OHG. iu, dat., iuwih, acc., Icel. y[eth]r,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • You — ([=u]), pron. [Possess. {Your} ([=u]r) or {Yours} ([=u]rz); dat. & obj. {You}.] [OE. you, eou, eow, dat. & acc., AS. e[ o]w, used as dat. & acc. of ge, g[=e], ye; akin to OFries. iu, io, D. u, G. euch, OHG. iu, dat., iuwih, acc., Icel. y[eth]r,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • You FM — Allgemeine Informationen Empfang analog terrestrisch, Kabel, Satellit Webradio …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • YOU — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «YOU» Sencillo de Ayumi Hamasaki del álbum A Song for XX Publicación 10 de junio, 1998 Formato CD …   Wikipedia Español

  • you — W1S1 [jə, ju strong ju:] pron [used as subject or object] [: Old English; Origin: eow, from ge; YE1] 1.) used to refer to a person or group of people when speaking or writing to them ▪ Hi, Kelly. How are you? ▪ You must all listen carefully. ▪ I… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • You — steht für: den Kreis You (chin. 攸县; Pinyin: Yōu Xiàn) der bezirksfreien Stadt Zhuzhou in der chinesischen Provinz Hunan, siehe You (Zhuzhou) Du (Personalpronomen), als deutsche Übersetzung des englischen You YOU steht für: YOU (Jugendmesse), die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • YOU! — ist ein in Österreich erscheinendes katholisches Jugendmagazin. Es wird seit 1993 sechsmal im Jahr herausgegeben. Das Blatt wird in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz ausschließlich über Abonnement bzw. über Zeitschriftenstände in Pfarren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • you're on — you’re on spoken phrase used for saying ‘yes’ when someone has invited you to compete or do something difficult or dangerous ‘I bet I can sell more tickets than you.’ ‘OK, you’re on.’ Thesaurus: ways of saying yessynonym Main entry: on * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • You Am I — Pays d’origine  Australie Genre musical Rock alternatif Années d activité 1989 présent Labels …   Wikipédia en Français

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