yonder I
Смотреть что такое "yonder I" в других словарях:
Yonder — Yon der, a. Being at a distance within view, or conceived of as within view; that or those there; yon. Yon flowery arbors, yonder alleys green. Milton. Yonder sea of light. Keble. [1913 Webster] Yonder men are too many for an embassage. Bacon.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yonder — Yon der, adv. [OE. yonder, [yogh]onder; cf. OD. ginder, Goth. jaindr? there. ????. See {Yond}, adv.] At a distance, but within view. [1913 Webster] Yonder are two apple women scolding. Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yonder — UK [ˈjɒndə(r)] / US [ˈjɑndər] or yon UK [jɒn] / US [jɑn] adverb, determiner Summary: Yonder and yon can be used in the following ways: as an adverb: Look over yonder. as a determiner: yon hills an old word used for talking about someone or… … English dictionary
yonder — archaic or dialect ► ADVERB ▪ at some distance in the direction indicated; over there. ► DETERMINER ▪ that or those (referring to something situated at a distance). ► NOUN (the yonder) ▪ the far distance … English terms dictionary
yonder — c.1300, from O.E. geond (see YOND (Cf. yond)) + comp. suffix ER (Cf. er) (2). Now replaced except in poetic usage by ungrammatical that … Etymology dictionary
yonder — [adv] faraway away, beyond, distant, farther, further, remote, yon; concepts 586,778 Ant. close, near, nearby … New thesaurus
yonder — [yän′dər] adj. [ME, extension of yond: see YOND] 1. farther; more distant (with the) 2. being at a distance, but within, or as within, sight; that or those over there adv. at or in that place; over there … English World dictionary
yonder — [[t]jɒ̱ndə(r)[/t]] ADV: ADV with v Yonder is an old fashioned or dialect word for over there . Now look yonder, just beyond the wooden post there. DET Yonder is also a determiner. His wife, Claudia, lies under yonder tree … English dictionary
yonder — yon•der [[t]ˈyɒn dər[/t]] adj. 1) being in that place or over there; being that or those over there: Do you see yonder hut?[/ex] 2) being the more distant or farther: the yonder side of the hill[/ex] 3) at, in, or to that specified place; over… … From formal English to slang
yonder — /yon deuhr/, adj. 1. being in that place or over there; being that or those over there: That road yonder is the one to take. 2. being the more distant or farther: yonder side. adv. 3. at, in, or to that place specified or more or less distant;… … Universalium
yonder — 1. adverb /ˈjɒndə(ɹ),ˈjɑndə(ɹ)/ In a distant, indicated place; over there. Whose home is that yonder? Syn: yon 2. pronoun /ˈjɒndə(ɹ),ˈjɑndə(ɹ)/ Something that is distant but within sight. Off we go, into the wild blue yonder, riding … Wiktionary